How to Stop Overthinking and Live a More Carefree Life

If you wonder how to stop overthinking, you may want to consider the following solutions, which may sound obvious but are actually effective. Everybody overthinks. It’s human nature. Whether you consider yourself a positive or negative person, an introvert or an extrovert, a worrier or a calm soul, chances are…

The Mystery of Egyptian Hieroglyphs in Australia Deubnked

Egypt isn't the only place with hieroglyphs, and not all hieroglyphs have Egyptian origins. In the 1970s, there was a controversial discovery of hieroglyphs in Australia, later known as the 'Gosford Hieroglyphs'. For some time, this discovery created a fuss among researchers, being a controversial issue and a subject of…

4 Nikola Tesla’s Innovations That Show How Ahead of His Time He Was

Last January was the 73rd year of the death of the great scientist Nikola Tesla. Many of Tesla's innovations have changed the world. On January 7th, 1943, this Serbian-American scientist lost his life. He was regarded as the founder of the present electrical and power technologies, grid lines, and AC…