Mirror-Touch Synesthesia: the Extreme Version of Empathy

When a person says ‘I feel your pain,’ you take it to mean emotionally, not physically. But people that suffer from mirror-touch synesthesia feel exactly that; other people’s physical pain. What Is Mirror-Touch Synesthesia? The Condition of Synesthesia Before we discuss this strange condition, let’s get some background on the…

Read more about the article 19th-Century Photos of Snowflakes Under a Microscope Show the Captivating Beauty of Nature’s Creations
19th-century photos by Wilson Bentley

19th-Century Photos of Snowflakes Under a Microscope Show the Captivating Beauty of Nature’s Creations

Every snowflake is different, and yet, curiously the same. Why is this? Well, the fluffy edges and lengths are various, but each snowflake always has the same number of points. As a child, I folded paper and used scissors to cut shapes off the corners of the folded paper. Then…

How Distinction Bias Is Tricking You into Making the Wrong Choices

We all like to think we are in control of our decisions, but these are often influenced by many factors around us, leading our thought processes in one direction. What is distinction bias? Distinction bias is the influence of making a choice when presented with two similar options side by…

4 Different Types of Learners: Which Are You and How to Learn Easier?

The way we learn something can have a huge impact on our ability to understand and retain the information. This is because we all have different learning styles that can vary depending on what type of thing we are learning. Often, an individual doesn’t fit into one learning category and…

The Cult of Spiritual Materialism: Have You Become Its Victim?

Spiritualism is growing in popularity as we seek more answers and comfort in these trying times. Unfortunately, not everyone is following the spiritual path for the right reasons, or in a genuine way. There is no correct way to practice your spiritualism, but there are certainly incorrect ways. Spiritual materialism…