What is astral projection? A creature of the imagination, a game of the brain, or an alternative approach to reality?
This question concerns not only those who practice astral projection (intentionally or unintentionally) but all those trying to understand what happens to the consciousness and mind. Probably the most suitable organization to answer this question is the International Academy of Consciousness.
Interview with David Lindsay, of IAC
What is astral projection?
Astral projection is a so-called out-of-body experience, i.e. a situation in which our non-physical body (in other words, conscience or soul) gets separated from our material body.
Many psychologists believe that it is some kind of hallucination observed in people who’ve experienced trauma in childhood and believe they are being separated from their physical bodies. This is because they went through a traumatic experience such as domestic violence and abuse, so they find refuge in astral projection in an attempt to separate themselves from suffering and pain.
According to Lindsay, the results of experiments with people who had out-of-body experiences show that this phenomenon might happen in our non-physical body and seems to be the body that we use after our biological death.
In a nutshell, it is a separation of the individual consciousness from the physical body by using the non-physical body.
What are the types of out-of-body experiences?
There are many different types of out-of-body experiences. The most common by far, are those that give a sense of travel and relaxation, for example, when you can fly over a landscape.
Sometimes we can have an out-of-body experience as the result of training and it can help us find information that will be useful in a very practical way in our lives.
What can astral projection give us?
One of the most important benefits of astral projection is a thriving way of perceiving our lives. We do not see it simply as a material world, or just a physical body anymore. We understand that we are more than just a physical body. It is an important advantage, considering the materialistic way of life we have today.
There are other advantages, such as the fact that we become more self-aware. Through the out-of-body experience, we begin to see ourselves in a broader context and acquire images from different cultures. Lindsay claims that sometimes we can even discover our previous lives.
“Astral projection is an indication that the soul exists,” he says.
When we begin to intentionally have out-of-body experiences, we see clearly that we have a soul, a spirit. We start to believe that we have a soul that survives after physical death, and we will continue to exist even after leaving the physical world. We can see it clearly as a result of these experiences, claims Lindsay.
The link between DID and astral projection
There isn’t a tight connection between astral projection and DID (dissociative identity disorder), but there is a relationship in which one might play off the other in certain circumstances. During childhood trauma, the mental separation which occurs can push an individual into and past the meditation state. Unfortunately, the events that propel the childhood mind in this direction, not to mention adult minds as well, are so harsh that the separation is more abrupt.
And when speaking in terms of the soul, this can be quite an experience for our unfettered consciousness. David Lindsay believes that our soul is real and can be loosed from our bodies in other ways that biological death. OBEs, astral projection, whatever you want to call them, may just be the tool we can use to learn more about our souls.
Maybe, instead of discounting DID as something purely negative, therapists can study this state and learn more about our hidden powers and abilities as human beings.