An introvert’s world is very different from the world most people live in. In this category, you will find articles about introverts that will help you make most of your quiet side and find your path in the extroverted society.

7 Reasons People Who Enjoy Spending Time Alone Are More Likely to Be Successful

We all want to be successful, it’s human nature to strive to complete goals and achieve the lifestyle we have always dreamed of. It may seem like common sense that extroverts will be the most successful due to their outgoing, confident nature, but science is actually arguing that introverts are…

When You Learn to Enjoy Being Alone, 10 Amazing Things Will Happen

For some people, being alone is a struggle. Rather than feeling calm and serene, the lack of other people in their presence brings on feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and abandonment. If this describes your reaction to being alone, you may have simply never learned to adapt to solitude. Fortunately, you…

4 Effective Ways to Overcome Social Anxiety

Almost 13% of the world’s population suffer from social anxiety, a crippling debilitating affliction that can impact daily life in massive ways. Fear of social situations can mean some people don’t want to leave their house or communicate with others, as when they do they may experience panic attacks, emotional…

4 Types of Introverts: Which One Are You? (Free Test)

Everywhere you look there are articles and stories about introverts and extroverts. But did you know that there are 4 different types of introverts? If you look into each personality aspect, there are different types within. I’m an introvert and the topic of introversion has always interested me, so I…

Study: Introverts See the World More Accurately Than Extroverts

Introverts and extroverts both perceive and engage in the world in very different ways. A new study [1] by Daniel C. Feiler and Adam M. Kleinbaum has found that introverts see the world more accurately and understand it much better than extroverts do. The researchers took the well-known friendship paradox,…