Everything you need to know about dark personalities, manipulators, and abusers. Learn to recognize them and understand their game before it even starts.

Domestic Abusers Follow These 8 Steps Before Killing Their Victim, Researcher Says

Is it possible to track the specific steps taken by domestic abusers before they kill their victims? One researcher not only believes it is possible, but that it could save lives. A History of Domestic Abusers If you are interested in criminology, you may have come across criminologist Dr. Jane…

Parasitic Lifestyle: Why Psychopaths & Narcissists Prefer to Live Off Other People

When I think about psychopaths and narcissists, I conjure up a certain image. There is the cold, manipulative psychopath and then the self-absorbed, entitled narcissist. As for their lifestyles, psychopaths need power and control and narcissists crave admiration. That is a basic summary of their character traits I know. However,…

7 Signs of a Machiavellian Personality

If you have ever watched a true-crime programme or been interested in deviant personalities, then you are familiar with certain personality traits. We often hear of the narcissist or the psychopath, but we rarely hear about the Machiavellian Personality.   Yet, Machiavellism forms a third of the Dark Triad, along with…

8 Signs of Narcissistic Supply: Are You Feeding the Manipulator?

Toxic individuals must have a source of energy. This energy is called a narcissistic supply. If you’re a victim of a narcissist, you feed them with this energy. There’s so much talk about toxic people and the spectrum of narcissism, but few discuss the source of energy for those with…

Don’t Be Fooled by a Narcissist: One Simple Thing to Do to Save Yourself

When you first meet them, a narcissist will be charming and impress you and will make you feel that you have just met the most amazing, interesting, confident, and powerful person ever and you will feel flattered to have their attention. Don’t be fooled. You have their attention because, like…