A healthy mind in a healthy body: mental health problems and solutions, scientific findings, and interesting facts on psychology and mental health. Incredible hypotheses about the human conscious and subconscious mind.

The Power of Introverts: Study Finds Loners Are Crucial to Species Survival

For years now, loners and introverts have been the outsiders of society. They’re considered to be strange and boring, and not worth inviting to your events. The truth is, introverts and loners are just misunderstood. Finally, scientific research has proven that introverted people and those who choose to be loners…

Hindsight Bias: Why We Overestimate Our Ability to Predict Events

They say hindsight is a wonderful thing, but don’t you just hate it when people say things like ‘I told you that would happen’ or ‘I just knew it all along’? Are they particularly gifted in their ability to see into the future or predict the past? I’m afraid not.…

5 Proven Ways Mindfulness Will Strengthen Your Mental Health

What Is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is your ability to bring awareness to experiences, feelings, and emotions. Buddhists believed that through prayer or mediation, you can shift your thoughts away from distraction and into an intention. The mind has on average 3,000 thoughts per minute. A Harvard study claims that the average…