What are the basic differences between introverts and extroverts?

Society seems to be dominated by extroverts as they are loud, outgoing and social while introverts are often misunderstood as being shy, boring and anti-social. However, if introverts are examined carefully, we realize that introverts are indeed charismatic in their own ways. In the following paragraphs, I will be discussing five key differences between introverts and extroverts so you can become familiar with both in your own surroundings.

Both types are equally likely to achieve success. In fact, they complement each other and that is why both types are essential to balance out the world. Hopefully, this post will shed some light on introverts as they truly deserve to be respected for their personality type, and help you understand the basic differences between introverts and extroverts.

1. Where do they get their energy?

Introverts require some alone space to clear their mind whereas extroverts generate energy by spending time with people. Alone time allows introverts to disconnect from the world and reset their focus and this is absolutely crucial for their survival.

Introverts recharge from within because this is how they get their signal that they are in full control of themselves. Spending time with people constantly would drain them.

Thus, they embrace solitude because it allows them to concentrate better and avoid distractions. Extroverts, on the other hand, feel fully fulfilled and content being surrounded by people. Social environments with larger crowds stimulate extroverts their share of energy.

2. How do they process their thoughts?

Introverts are wired in such a way that any thinking must first occur in their mind, whereas, extroverts feel satisfied by expressing their ideas aloud.  Meanwhile, introverts engage in internal conversations, question their purpose in life, reflect on every single incident around them, explore the possibilities they have all to ponder about life.

In the end, introverts have a desire of connecting with their inner voice. This state of being is a relaxing place inside of their head. Extroverts, who like to have themselves heard for their thoughts, are more the types who will reveal their ideas immediately. They are usually confident in terms of speaking and therefore they catch as many opportunities as possible to have their say.

3. How do they process information?

Every little detail matters to introverts while extroverts are satisfied with knowing the bare minimum of information. Introverts can be very observant and sharp listeners. They may seem lost in their world as they are reserved but they are intellectually curious and pay attention to the things happening around them.

They get pleasure from reflecting; hence, they draw attention to all aspects of whatever information they receive. They consider all the information provided to them. The more they have, the better for them because they like to analyze things thoroughly.

On the other hand, extroverts are not into depth, they are rather focused on the breadth of everything. They do not require plenty of information to make a decision.

4. How do they portray themselves to others?

While introverts are reserved and prefer being mysterious, extroverts prefer having the spotlight to have their existence validated. Introverts simply don’t put their glow on display for everyone to see.

They rather leave people around them wondering what is so special about them, almost waiting for others to chase them to see if it is worth it for them to open up to the pursuers.

Introverts are neither interested in getting lots of attention from people around nor looking to be popular among people. Getting attention from others and being popular in a crowd are attributes that are associated with extroverted individuals. Extroverts are more the open book type because that is their way to attract people towards them.

5. How do they connect with people?

Probably the most important of the differences between introverts and extroverts is the way they connect with others. In the short run, introverts may be avoiding larger crowds where so many extroverts are to be found but nonetheless, introverts can deeply engage themselves in building one-on-one connections with people they are interested in.

As stated previously, introverts love to consider the exclusive details that are not evident to the rest of the world. Similarly, they love to find out things about someone that others are not aware of.

Introverts are able to give all the attention to the person they are investing in and appreciate receiving all the attention from that person and this is the foundation of making one-on-one connections meaningful.

Introverts are committed individuals and filled with lots of compassion that when one opens up to them, they truly invest themselves and will make the necessary efforts to nurture those relationships to keep them active for a long period of time.

Extroverts, on the other hand, are those who love being among crowds. The more people they meet, the merrier they are. They are passionate about the experiences that new encounters bring them. Extroverts are very comfortable with small talk; the norm for them is to socialize and they are experts in approaching new people.

In summary, introverts are those who connect with themselves first and then with others, while extroverts are fueled by connecting with others. The first type can be described as deep thinkers while the second type consists of action-oriented individuals. The world needs both of these personality types.

Unfortunately, our society portrays extroverts as the norm and the type of people more likely to achieve success because of their strong communication and networking skills.

However, introverts are fascinating and challenging in a world where discretion and critical thinking are not really encouraged. Introverts are very independent individuals who stay committed to their values. It is important to acknowledge that they do not need to be “fixed” or “transformed” into extroverts but rather to accept them for the good they bring to the world.

Do you have anything to add to the differences between introverts and extroverts? Feel free to express your opinion in the comments below.

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This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Thea Dunlap

    Loving this article. I know what type personality I have (introvert) but after reading the article, I have a deep understanding on the difference between the two personalities.

  2. Piro

    I’m an introvert as well. This article perfectly describes me. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Susan

    Well written and informative article. Answers the question and would easily encourage a person to do more study.

  4. moose

    Might i just say that introverts are superior due to the fact that social skills and communications skills can easily be taught to us through understanding?

  5. sumyia mohamed saleh

    Thanks . all right . To some extent there is no clear cut on personality and characteristics of pepole

  6. Jennifer

    Extroverts don’t need to be “fixed” either, as many accuse extroverts of dominating conversation and others must remember that extroverts are passionate and energized around people. The world needs both types!

  7. Donald Theiss

    We are all some combination of these characteristics, even if we tend in one direction or the other. Much of our behavior is the result of social influences in our formative years, how we were related to and how we learned to respond to the world around us, ie. our parents, siblings etc. We tend to be more expressive if we feel safe in knowing that we will be accepted and appreciated in our expression and we will hide our expression if we are critisized or rejected when we express ourselves. We develope patterns of behavior based in our early childhood expereinces and they tend to continue throughout our lives uless we make some concerted effort to change them.

  8. dk

    I believe the introverts main challenge is having to deal with small talks which has dominated conversations

  9. Anusha Randhawa

    After reading this article, I think that I am somewhere between the intro and extro scale. The 1, 3 and 5 descriptions make me feel that I m an introvert but with 2 and 4 defines me as extro. I cant justify myself. Help, anyone?

    1. ren

      Anusha, you’re an ambivert.

  10. Frost

    You said ‘antisocial’. I believe you mean ‘asocial’.

    1. Priya P.

      I would say both antisocial and asocial. In other words, introverts are often misunderstood for being people who are not that social only because they are seen spending more time alone than in the company of people. Being an introvert myself, I prefer spending most of my time alone. Nonetheless when I am around people, I acknowledge their presence and try to make the most from these social interactions because I also crave for human interaction. Thank you for reading my post! 🙂

  11. Robert Newitt

    I am an introvert whose girlfriend is an extrovert. We except each other the way we are and we love each other. We have been together for almost ten years.

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