Anxiety can be a tough road to walk. There are some things that people who suffer from anxiety would like their families and friends to know.

Sit down and listen. It’s time you learned a few things about those who suffer from anxiety.

Yes, I’ve talked about depression and also about what not to say to those who suffer from mental illnesses, but I want to add some information about individuals with anxiety disorders. Because I am tired, more than exhausted of trying to explain my actions.

Hold on to your seats because I have 36 things you need to know about people who suffer from anxiety. Why do you need to know this? It’s simple, the closer you are to understanding us, the better it is for both you and me. Let’s get started.

1. First off, we never want you to give up on us. Please, don’t do that.

2. Although what’s bothering me may not make sense to you, it’s real and it makes perfect sense to me.

3. Sometimes when I’m quiet, there’s just so much going on in my head. It doesn’t automatically mean I am sad.

4. Be patient. You have to learn what’s happening. Anxiety isn’t always a huge panic attack, sometimes it’s anger and frustration.

5. I know I don’t want to see any people sometimes, but I still want you to reach out to me. It helps.

6. Anxiety has many faces. I don’t always look like I can barely breathe. I don’t always rock back and forth banging my head on the wall. Yeah, most of the time I don’t do that.

7. If I don’t feel comfortable about doing something, don’t try and make me do it. Let it go.

8. Sometimes my symptoms are invisible. I don’t always tell you when I am anxious.

9. I am sorry if you take it the wrong way, but sometimes I just want to be alone. I need to recharge, reset and review the last few things that occurred. I need this space to survive.

10. So, you’re disappointed because I cannot do things. I am more disappointed than you are, trust me.

11. When I am overwhelmed, believe me. I cannot take any more at the moment.

12. Yeah, give me space, but don’t forget you left me there.

13. I am me. I am not my disease.

14. I replay things in my mind, conversations, confrontations and events. I can repay statements, sometimes, for years. It’s torture.

15. Don’t take it personally when I cancel plans. I don’t care for socializing anyway. Oh, and by the way, it’s not you, it’s me…no, really.

16. Just because I don’t usually go, keep inviting me. One day, I might say yes.

17. My home is my sanctuary.

18. I’m not flaky and I’m not lazy. I just don’t like socializing. But if you need me, I will be there.

19. I know it’s frustrating trying to understand me, but think about what I must go through. I have these things in my head all the time. Thank you for being there for me.

20. I analyze everything. If you criticize me for thinking too much, I will tear that apart and analyze that as well. It’s hell.

21. It’s not your job to fix me. It’s your job to love me.

22. I’m sorry for being nasty and carelessly hurting you. I do care about your feelings.

23. Sometimes I lie when you ask me if I am okay. That’s because there is so much wrong that you would never understand it all. I want you to, but I cannot expect you to think like I do.

24. Sometimes I don’t have any idea why I am upset.

25. I cannot just stop, turn if off or act differently. This also includes just smile, just be happy and stop thinking about it. It doesn’t work.

26. Even when I am happy, I am waiting for something bad to happen.

27. It helps to just be with someone you love.

28. There is no warning. I have no idea when anxiety will hit. Just be there for me.

29. Sometimes, I cannot answer my phone or my door. It’s just part of this.

30. Things can change in seconds. I can be fine one minute and lose it another.

31. There are triggers. Sometimes it’s loud music, other times it can be crowded places. There are many different things which can trigger a panic attack.

32. Sometimes I have trouble breathing and feel as though I am drowning.

33. I don’t have an attitude, I have anxiety. It’s different and treating me harshly amplifies the tension.

34. I want to apologize for every time that I have hurt you.

35. Stop telling me that I am being silly.

36. Please just love me through this.

Yeah, I know that was a long list, but you needed to hear it. I need you to have an open mind, I need you to be patient, and most of all I need you to respect and love your family members and friends who suffer from anxiety. It could be you suffering from these things, so how would you want to be treated. I thought so.

Copy this list, carry it with you, just be aware. Before you speak, think.

Your words can mean the world to your loved ones who suffer from anxiety and can help them down the road to healing.

Copyright © 2012-2025 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Konrad Dobson

    Might be important to include that most people dealing with anxiety don’t have it as extreme as this list, and there are various forms of anxiety, so you shouldn’t automatically think the worst. In my experiences with anxiety, most of the time it’s very mild and just the way your brain operates. It’s not necessarily good or bad, it’s just the way you’ve conditioned your thought processes. It’s only when you hit a rough patch (a death in the family, in my case) where things can get out of control and you hit a downward spiral of negative thoughts and doubts. Not to mention scary intrusive thoughts which can make you think you’re going crazy…

    But even then, the very nature of anxiety that often makes you obsess about memories and thoughts (mostly negative) can also be used to learn about anxiety and yourself, which will benefit you in the long run. There’s a lot of good material out there explaining how bad experiences like that are basically the best way to learn about yourself and grow as a human being, in more ways than one. I know I have, and still am. Hopefuly it lasts.

    Things like regular exercise, healthy eating, mindfulness meditation, yoga, journalling and therapy really do help. Especially if you do the research into the scientific evidence behind those things first, and really give them a chance.

  2. fakeangel

    I beliave someone or something can influence your brain and feeling. My best prediction is bad spirit , demon and maybe ghost. Till now science still cant figure this out. Sorry for my bad english

  3. John

    No. 14 should read replay, not repay, yes I’m, OCD too

  4. Nancy Hartung

    Great article, Sgerie. Do have one particular person in mind would live to share with.

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