Catastrophic Thinking: How to Recognize and Deal with It When You Have Anxiety

What is one of the worst aspects of having anxiety? Catastrophic thinking is anxiety at a whole other level of negativity. Let’s deal with this. Honestly, I wasn’t an expert in the term catastrophic thinking, but I was familiar with its definition. Catastrophic thinking is the way the mind operates under…

10 Problems Root Chakra Healing Can Help with (and How to Perform It)

If you are feeling anxious or depressed, it could be that your root chakra is blocked and needs healing. Follow the below healing practices to transform your life. Chakras are energy centres within the body. When they get blocked, energy cannot flow through them and this can cause physical and…

14 Signs of Stress and Non-Obvious Psychological Causes of It

There are signs of stress you may not have thought of before. Stress doesn’t just come from some horrible traumatic event. Unfortunately, there are many things which can cause stress, some imagined and some real. There are common stressors and even situations that call for the fight or flight action,…

15 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Techniques to Beat Negative Thought Patterns

If you have suffered from anxiety or are prone to negative thinking, you might have wished you had the tools to cope with it. Cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques are proven methods used by therapists and counselors. What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy? Mental health practitioners use cognitive-behavioral therapy to teach people how to…

6 Grounding Techniques for Anxiety and Emotional Overload

In our stressful society, it is easy to become emotionally overloaded and anxious. The negative energies of others can negatively affect our own feelings of well-being. It's impossible to avoid much of modern society's influences, however, there are several grounding techniques we can use to stay balanced and healthy. Feeling…

Is Chakra Healing Real? The Science behind the Chakra System

Science may not have been able to prove the existence of chakras and chakra healing, but we do know that there are energy systems that keep our bodies functioning. These energy systems affect everything that goes on in our mind and body and understanding them and how chakra healing works…

How to Make a Phone Call When You Have Phone Phobia and Social Anxiety

Some people struggle to make a phone call, no matter how weird or funny it may sound. However, for socially anxious people and some introverts, phone phobia is a reality. What is phone phobia? Phone anxiety or phone phobia is a psychological condition in which a person experiences extreme fear…