How to Get Rid of Social Anxiety with These 7 Science-Backed Hacks

Social anxiety is a particularly debilitating disorder that affects up to 13% of the population, so you can imagine how many people want to know how to get rid of it. Anyone that suffers from social anxiety knows the crippling fear they experience on a daily basis. Just trying to…

What Is Test Anxiety and How to Overcome It in 4 Easy Ways

Test anxiety is about feeling like you have no control over your predicament. What are the best ways to overcome it? The world we live in is full of sources of anxiety. Most of these anxieties come and go depending on the situation that we’re in, and they, fortunately, don’t…

What Do Dreams about Being Lost Mean? 5 Psychological Interpretations

According to experts, dreams about being lost represent feelings of vulnerability, anxiety, inadequacy, and a feeling being ‘out of place’. Dreams about being lost are quite common. So are dreams about dying, falling, and being chased. Of course, dream interpretation is subjective at best. However, most experts agree that anxiety…

What Is the Spotlight Effect and How It Alters Your Perception of Other People

Even if you have never heard about the spotlight effect, it is likely that it influences your perception without you even realizing it. It is a term in psychology which describes our tendency to think that everyone notices the nuances of our behaviour, appearance, etc. What Causes the Spotlight Effect?…

11 Relaxation Techniques to Help You Cope with Negativity, Anxiety and Stress

A healthy mind is necessary for your physical development and career success. Here are some effective relaxation techniques backed by science which will help you achieve mental wellness. Stress is a fact of life. Everything from traffic congestion to looming deadlines can make us stressed. Our brains issue a stress…

Schema Therapy and How It Takes You to the Root of Your Anxieties and Fears

Schema therapy was developed as a way to treat patients with longstanding problems that hadn’t responded to other therapeutic methods. Designed to help people with deeply-rooted personality disorders, schema therapy uses a mixture of: Cognitive-behavioural therapy Psychodynamic therapy Attachment theory Gestalt therapy “Schema therapy thus developed into a modality that…

Self-Harm: 10 Psychological Reasons behind It and How to Stop This Deadly Habit

A couple of decades ago, I went out with a guy that would regularly self-harm. When I first met him, I never thought he was the type of person that would cut himself. In fact, I only found out he was prone to self-harm after we’d argued and I caught…

How to Stop Feeling Guilty and Set Yourself Free, According to Psychology

Guilt can take over your life and prevent you from following your dreams. Let’s learn how to stop feeling guilty and break free! Guilt comes in so many forms, and from several different stressors. Guilt can be the correct emotional response to something you’ve done wrong, or it can be…