Personality Psychology Reveals 10 Surprising Insights about Personality

These insights from personality psychology may seem surprising and weird at first, yet, they are based on actual scientific studies. With so many tests out there that measure personality traits, you would think that we pretty much know all there is to know about ourselves. But the science of personality…

Social Anxiety Disorder Could Be a Product of Genes, Study Finds

Social anxiety disorder shapes the lives of millions of people worldwide. Impairing social interactions, the condition has been previously connected to a number of psychological and environmental factors. According to new research, the disorder may be linked to genetic roots. Also known as social phobia, social anxiety disorder is the…

5 Strong Emotions That Make Anxiety Worse (Some of Which May Surprise You)

Strong emotions can trigger anxiety attacks. All it takes is absorbing too much outside stimulus or inner turmoil. Beware of your amplified feelings! Anxiety is bad all by itself, it doesn’t need a partner or trigger to get going. I understand this completely! So, it’s no surprise that random feelings can…

5 Signs You Might Be a Lost Soul (and How to Find Your Way Home)

In a world that values logic and rational thinking above all else, it is little wonder that there are many who feel they are a lost soul. A lost soul has become out of touch with their intuition and inner guidance. In a world where anything that cannot be measured or…

Top 20 Weirdest and Rarest Mental Illnesses You Won’t Believe Exist

We've all heard of depression and anxiety, but when it comes to obscure mental illnesses, we're not so well-informed. The human mind is relatively unchartered territory, and incredibly complex, but despite this, psychiatrists have managed to catalogue some pretty unusual and unexpected mental illnesses. Here are just twenty of them:…

9 Struggles of Having a Reserved Personality and an Anxious Mind

Having a reserved personality paired with an anxious mind poses so many obstacles. You can’t just calm down, and it’s impossible to care enough to be bothered. It’s a conundrum really. I sit here and write with a calm exterior, while on the inside, I’m busy trying to shove loose…

Existential Anxiety: a Curious and Misunderstood Illness That Affects Deep Thinkers

Existential anxiety presents a struggle with acceptance of life. Find yourself questioning everything? Then you might be suffering from this curious ailment. I bet you’re wondering what it means to have existential anxiety, maybe you wonder if you have it yourself. Hmmm, it’s possible. After all, as human beings, we…