10 Key Skills of Successful People

If we note the behavior of many successful people in business, economics, politics, or personal development, you will find out that there are at least 10 key skills possessed by all these individuals. 10 Key Skills of Successful People 1. Critical thinking All successful people have a powerful skill of…

6 Psychological Effects That Alter Your Perception of Other People

People are not always fairly judged, and there are psychological effects that cause this to happen. Are we being fair or are we being influenced? People are people, so we judge them fairly, right? Wrong. Many things we witness in other human beings cloud our judgment and cause us to make a…

20 Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know about Human Behavior

Human behavior is not always reasonable. Sometimes, human beings behave in a really odd manner, but the growing body of research is revealing more and more hidden causes behind people's behaviors. Here are 20 interesting facts about human behavior, based on studies: 1. People with high levels of testosterone gain…