15 Things Parents of Introverted and Shy Kids Ought To Know

Parenting is a challenge and looking after shy kids is even more so. However, introverted and shy kids are a blessing. What parents need to do is know how to interact with them. Why Introverted Kids Are a Blessing Society usually prefers people who are outgoing. Extraversion is a top…

If You’re a Weird Person Who Feels Alone and Misunderstood, Read This.

Don't you know that our society is sick? So, while it suffers from this illness, I will continue to be a happily weird person. I honestly believe that society is so sick because of conformity. According to politics, religion, and business, we are supposed to abide by unspoken rules of…

Your Strategic Thinking Is Above Average If You Can Relate to These 7 Things

Strategic thinking allows us to be open-minded and look beyond what is. This helps us to bring a fresh viewpoint to old ideas. Strategic thinking means being creative, open-minded, future-focused and willing to take risks. Conventional thinkers tend to be more reactive, cautious, inflexible and focused on short-term problems. But how do…

6 Ways Narrow-Minded People Differ from Open-Minded Ones

When you are a narrow-minded person, life is a bit harder. If open-mindedness is a spectrum, are you aware of where you fall? People who are narrow-minded often struggle with surprises and differences. Anything outside of the “norm” is difficult to handle and this often steers them away from trying…

7 Reasons Emotional Sensitivity Is a Real Superpower

Emotional sensitivity can be hard to bear, however, used wisely, it can be a superpower that can change your life in amazing ways. Sensitivity can make life feel difficult. Emotionally sensitive people feel others' emotions, can be compulsive people-pleasers, are easily hurt and can be manipulated into putting others' needs before…

Overthinking Is Not as Bad as They Told You: 3 Reasons Why It Might Be a Real Superpower

Overthinking is a part of life that many people have to deal with on a regular basis, and a lot of those find this constant over-analysis to be a hindrance. Classically, the process of overthinking has been considered negative for a myriad of reasons, but that doesn't necessarily mean the…