Depression May Be a Sign of Spiritual Enlightenment, Study Suggests

Could depression be an indication of spiritual enlightenment? I have a plethora of opinions concerning depression. Considering I have been to therapists my entire life, those opinions war with each other and force a place into my brain. I do have depression, or to be exact, I suffer from Bipolar…

Science Reveals How to Treat Anxiety with Positive Thinking

If you have ever suffered from anxiety it is likely that you felt helpless and that the anxious feelings you experienced were totally out of your control. It is also possible that you relied on some sort of medication or a form of counselling to treat anxiety. It is very…

Things You Should Never Say to Someone Who Is Grieving (and What to Say Instead)

When someone close to you is grieving, you have to be very careful what you say to them. I lost my partner two years ago and amongst the obvious grief that I felt, what made it worse was some of the comments I received during those two years. My boyfriend…

This Comic Perfectly Captures What Dealing with Depression and Anxiety Is Like

You might be surprised by the number of people who suffer from some sort of mental illness. Why I, myself, suffer from bipolar disorder. So I can relate, to some degree, with some symptoms of other mental issues. My condition, for instance, deals with mania and depression, which mirrors depression…

Your Ancestors Rarely Had Anxiety and Depression – Why Do You?

It is only natural that the human body occasionally experiences anxiety and depression. Even hundreds of years ago, our ancestors struggled with the conditions. However, why is it that the rate of people being diagnosed with anxiety and depression is constantly rising and is an everyday occurrence for many people?…

Can a Small Dose of LSD Alleviate Depression and Anxiety?

Depression and anxiety are debilitating diseases that stop the sufferer from experiencing life to the fullest. Some argue that recreational drugs can alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety, whilst others claim it brings on worse feelings. However, new research published on Motherboard [1] has found that a small dose…