Psychedelic Therapy: Scientifically Confirmed Ways Psychedelic Drugs Can Treat Mental Disorders

In the midst of the “Ice Bucket Challenge” craze of going to help raise awareness for another worthy cause, psychedelic research. I’m going to approach this article a little differently; I’m going to write this as more of research (past and current) based summary than most typical articles. This is…

Cognitive Polyphasia or Why We Contradict Ourselves

Serge Moscovici, a French social psychologist, coined the term Cognitive Polyphasia in the 80s. Same guy behind the social representation theory (another interesting read). This seemingly innocent frame of mind is all about having contradicting thoughts and multiple frames of references to explain an event either to themselves or to other…

LSD Helps Terminal Patients Cope with Depression and Fear

The psychoactive drug seems to help in combating the fear of impending death associated with a terminal illness. An incurable disease sooner or later makes the person face the fact of premature and inevitable (and possibly quite painful) death. This serious psychological problem should be solved, but it is clear…

5 Things in Your Everyday Life That Are Slowly Killing Your Intelligence

Did you know that certain things you come in contact with in your everyday life are slowly killing your intelligence by deteriorating your cognitive performance? Sometimes, we don't realize how harmful our habits may be. You have already worked a lot to increase your intelligence and this is something you…

14 Unbelievable Psychiatric Syndromes You Didn’t Know About

Nature in general, and when it comes to our own psyche in particular, is very crafty in creating states we know little about. Mental disorders are one such example. A lot of psychiatric syndromes have been studied and named in honor of famous writers, artists, book characters, psychiatrists, and other…