6 Thought-Provoking Books That Will Expand Your Mind & Make You a Better Person

Thought-provoking books are very essential in our mental growth. All the same, getting these thought-provoking books can be a daunting task. Developing a habit of book endorsements is one of the best things one can ever do in this regard. This is a move that can really transform an individual’s…

5 Confucius Teachings That Will Help You Reach Inner Peace

Confucius inspired centuries of philosophy with his teachings. They are an integral part of Chinese education and teach us so much about inner peace and happiness. First of all, let's first talk about the biography of this legendary philosopher. Who was Confucius? Confucius was a Chinese philosopher in 6th Century…

The Psychology of Happiness: 5 Personality Traits That Predict Your Chances to Be Happy

What makes us happy? The pursuit of happiness is an age-old question. In fact, the psychology of happiness is a topic for much debate amongst experts. Some say chasing happiness can be self-defeating. Others believe living a meaningful life to be the key. Even the greatest minds of history have…

Why Do People Procrastinate? An Answer That You May Have Never Considered

Are you procrastinating right now? Why do people procrastinate? Have you possibly considered the solution may lie in intuition? We have all referred to ourselves as the king or queen of procrastination. You know, that report you were supposed to file last week? Getting around to those chores you just hate…

6 Signs Your View of Life Is Blocking Your Growth and Needs Reconsideration

When you’re trying move forward, you may not realise that it is your view of life that is holding you back. Life can take us through many twists and turns. So, when we’re trying to achieve, we may see the immediate obstacles in our way and try to overcome them,…