10 Futuristic Predictions That Have Not Yet Come True

From flying cars, food in pill form, and volatile devices to time travel, teleportation, and cyborgs... All these amazing ideas from sci-fi movies and books have not become a reality yet. Let's look at fascinating futuristic predictions we are anxiously waiting for but apparently, in vain. 10 Futuristic Predictions That…

5 Reasons Not to Worry about What Will Happen on December 21, 2012

People who love all kinds of conspiracy theories tend to believe that the heads of governments, along with the senior officials and the richest people of the world know something that "mere mortals" do not know. These kinds of people worry in particular about what will happen on December 21,…

The Scarlet Plague: Jack London’s Prophetic Novel about the Pandemic

Jack London wrote his novel The Scarlet Plague 100 years ago. It is one of the first dystopias in the history of the literature and one of his most famous works, published in London Magazine in 1912. The plot of The Scarlet Plague seems quite straightforward. At the beginning of…

Top 5 Events Likely to Occur within the Next 100 Years

British reporters ranked events and discoveries that are most likely to occur within the next 100 years according to the Internet audience. Is it possible to predict the differences in human life in the coming years, as opposed to life now? Despite the fact that the purpose of the survey was to obtain…

8 Wrong Things We Learned in School

It seems that not all things we learned in school are correct. Here is a list that will surprise you: 1. Einstein was a bad student Generations of children grew up with the belief that the Nobel laureate physicist was not doing well in school. In reality, he was, particularly…