Top 12 Accidental Discoveries That Changed the World

Anyone interested in science knows that it takes carefully constructed experiments to produce results. Or does it? You might be surprised, as I was, to learn that between 30 and 50% of all scientific discoveries occur by accident.  But there is something extraordinary about these accidental discoveries. They may have…

6 Reasons Why Introverts Make Great Entrepreneurs

Did you know that some of the greatest entrepreneurs and inventors were, in fact, introverts? Most people tend to underestimate their skills and chances to reach success. In a world where extroverts are predominant in numbers, an introvert can easily feel pushed to the sidelines. Introversion and extroversion should not…

7 Motivational Success Stories That Demonstrate the Power of Introverts

Motivational stories are crucial to understanding and replicating success in all aspects of life, and reading them can be particularly helpful when you are an introvert. Can an introvert reach success in an extroverted world? In almost every type of social setting, extroverts are popular, whereas introverts are usually relegated…

6 Nikola Tesla Quotes That Might Change the Way You See the World

These six Nikola Tesla quotes show a visionary scientist who thought in terms of energy vibration and intuition when trying to understand the universe. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, engineer, and physicist. He was best known for developing the alternating current circuit, a technology we still rely on today.…

5 Ways Geniuses Think Differently from Everyone Else

Geniuses may have more gray matter than the rest of us. However, what really makes geniuses different from the average person is not so much what they think, but the way they think. By following the thinking strategies of the greatest minds, we too could have moments of creative inspiration.…

5 Seemingly Modern Phenomena You Won’t Believe Are Actually Surprisingly Old

Some modern phenomena, which seem to be a product of the 21st century, may not be as modern as you might think. ‘History repeats itself’ may be one of the most overused phrases you’ll ever hear – and rightly so. It’s amazing as to the extent that humanity repeatedly recycles…