3 Careers That Are Sure to Expand Your Consciousness

It’s not uncommon for people to feel unfulfilled in their vocational path. In many cases, these individuals thirst for careers that stimulate thought and promote spiritual well-being. If you are considering an occupational change of this nature, then you’re in luck. Here are three careers that will expand your consciousness:…

Why Being an Introvert in Modern Society Is a Gift

Being an introvert can be hard in modern society, which seems to favor only extroverts with their strong communication skills and active attitude to life. For this reason, many people feel that their introversion is a kind of disability, a “pain in the neck,” which complicates their life and needs…

From Survival to Living: How to Awaken Your Higher Self in the Age of Information

Why are there so many people talking about raising their consciousness, energy healing, awakening, chakras, enlightenment, human aura, quantum physics and information paradigm? Why not just live like most people – get an education, find a job, get married, have kids and live a “normal life”? This kind of approach…

5 Self-Improvement Books That Will Transform Your Life

There are a million books available out there that you can use as a guide to help you build on and improve your personality. These books may be self-improvement books, autobiographies, business books, or even fiction or illustrated novels. We read our way through several of them to bring you…

How to Find Out What Career Suits You and Pick the Right Course

The most important decision you can ever make is choosing the right career. Understanding the right profession and choosing the right area of study will help you succeed, prosper and live a happy life. However, picking the right course is one of the most complicated issues that a student will…