Existentialism Philosophy and 5 Profound Life Lessons We Can Learn

Throughout history, existentialism philosophy theories have become widely popular amongst the philosophical community. The first of the existentialism philosophy theorists were few and far between. The first ‘existentialist’ problem was developed by Jean-Paul Sartre, but the theory itself had not yet been born. The entire question centred around what does…

7 Less Known Greek Philosophers Whose Teachings Are Still Relevant Today

Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are the most well-known Greek philosophers. They are also the most widely taught and most popular. Not many would dispute this. However, there are many other ancient Greek philosophers who can serve as much value to us in their teachings. There are others who came before…

Do You Have a Philosophy of Life? Why You Need One and How to Find It

What a Philosophy of Life is can seem quite a profound notion and relates to the ever-daunting question of “What is the meaning of life?”. Many may turn away from this question and the idea of a personal philosophy seems like a too large concept to consider. Perhaps you think…

5 Positive Mantras That Will Help You Reach Success, Balance and Inner Peace

Positive mantras create a powerful sound vibration that aligns the mind, body and spirit to divine energy helping us achieve peace, balance and success. First of all, let's discuss the concept and the definition of mantra. What is a mantra? The word Mantra comes from ancient Sanskrit. ‘Man’ means mind,…

7 Ernest Hemingway Quotes That Offer Deep Insights into Life

Our existence is simple and yet, it is complicated. Life’s truths are often recognized when reading writings and quotes by Ernest Hemingway. These statements can be profound. The duties of life can sometimes hide the big picture. What is the big picture? Well, seeing the overall important things in life…