6 Signs You Are Experiencing the Dark Night of the Soul (and Why It’s a Good Thing)

Oh, the dark night of the soul, what a perplexing and nourishing state of total agony. Nothing is better than a deep dose of despair. Let’s learn why. As I child, I encountered my first dark night of the soul. Of course, I wasn’t familiar with this state of being,…

8 Mental Blocks That May Be Affecting Your Thinking Without You Even Noticing

Your subconscious sets up mental blocks that can cripple your best intentions to succeed. Your mind and imagination can be your best weapon, but it can also be your weakest point. When you feel stressed or helpless, the littlest things become huge barriers in life. Everyone deals with these issues…

Golden Child in a Narcissistic Family and What Lies Behind a Perfect Image

At first sight, a golden child may look like the perfect child who is likely to have a successful life. But are things really that perfect? Before we talk about the phenomenon of a golden child, let’s mention that every parent has dreams for their child. Parents plan for the…

What Do Dreams about Being Lost Mean? 5 Psychological Interpretations

According to experts, dreams about being lost represent feelings of vulnerability, anxiety, inadequacy, and a feeling being ‘out of place’. Dreams about being lost are quite common. So are dreams about dying, falling, and being chased. Of course, dream interpretation is subjective at best. However, most experts agree that anxiety…

8 Toxic Personal Beliefs That Are Holding You Back in Life

Great experiences do not happen to those who mentally trap themselves through their personal beliefs or the beliefs of others. Each path through life is different, so there are many ways to achieve your goals and dreams. When we put stipulations and boundaries upon ourselves, we lead dull lives with…

12 Signs It’s Time to Start over Again and Leave Everything Behind

Sometimes there comes a time to start over again in life and turn over a new leaf. If you can relate to the below signs, your life may need a change. Feeling sad, miserable, irritable, angry and cynical, having trouble concentrating or remembering, lack of energy or fatigue, sleep problems…