Is Time Real? My Thought Experiment on the Nature of Time

For this thought experiment, I present to you different views of the time. My own hypothesis of time is just something I pondered as an alternative to the others. If you think each through, you’ll find that none are falsifiable, which means that you can’t prove any of them wrong.…

Bilingual People’s Brains Work in a Different, More Effective Way

Remember when schools used to mandate learning a second language? Sometimes they would go as far as bringing in the native speaking teachers to help with the process? Well, now we are starting to understand why learning a second language is so vital. Not only does it help increase the…

Hallucinogenic Psilocybin Can Prompt Permanent Personality Changes

We all understand that drug use temporarily changes the way we think. Substances such as marijuana can create a sense of euphoria paired with an easy-going type of personality, and cocaine can cause racing thoughts and heightened energy. Other drugs, such as hallucinogenic mushrooms can also cause similar effects. In…

Brain Can Be Trained to Have Synaesthetic Experiences, New Study Shows

Here is a fascinating question. Is the number 3 blue or red? Don’t understand? Well, to some individuals numbers and letters have a very distinct color; to many, they even have personalities. There is one main reason for this, and it revolves around a real-life neurological condition the makes numbers, letters…