5 Scientific Theories That Suggest the Universe Might Be Created by a Higher Being

Is it possible that a conscious Higher Being created our universe? Who are we? Where are we? What is the Universe? Who made it and why? Even if you are a religious person, the religion you have faith in doesn't provide all the answers to these questions. For thousands of…

What Is the Fibonacci Sequence and How It Unites Nature, Art & Science

What is the Fibonacci sequence and where does it derive from? Why do we find the Fibonacci sequence everywhere around us, from nature to art? Despite the popular belief that mathematics isn't related to religion, there is plenty of evidence throughout history that suggests otherwise. If you don't believe me,…

Do Superstitions Have Any Actual Scientific Basis Behind Them?

Superstitions are among issues that have long been perceived to have some unrevealed secrets as their origins. With the progress of science and scientific methods, some old superstitions have faded away for not having an element of reality, while some others are still subjects of debate. The main question is…