Is it possible that a conscious Higher Being created our universe?

Who are we? Where are we? What is the Universe? Who made it and why? Even if you are a religious person, the religion you have faith in doesn’t provide all the answers to these questions.

For thousands of years, humans used religions to find answers to these basic and yet complicated questions. Each of them fails to explain the existence of life in full detail. In other words, anything we cannot explain was God’s work.

Who knows, this just might be true because quantum physics is suggesting things that look like someone or something deliberately created everything we can perceive.

Science didn’t succeed in proving the religion was wrong. We do not know whether there is a God or not. We don’t even know how life on Earth began. We speculate and look for clues that might point us in the right direction. However, even if there is a Higher Being that created everything, it is highly unlikely that it looks like we humans imagine it.

Behind it all lies the fear of the unknown. The entire history of mankind is about discovering new facts that completely change our perception of the universe.

Let’s take a look at the things we do know and how they suggest that both science and religion are right.

1. Codes in the Cosmos

We begin with a theory that raised more than a few eyebrows in the scientific community. Theoretical physicist Sylvester James Gates claims that the essential elements in quantum gravity are arranged in patterns that are identical to Adinkra symbols. These symbols are a visual representation of supersymmetric algebras.

Adinkra symbols
Corevette / CC BY-SA

If what Mr. Gates is claiming is true, then all the equations that explain the physics of the universe are nothing more than a self-correcting code. This theory implies that the universe is merely a simulation, like a video game. Each simulation has a programmer, so if professor Gates is right, that means that all religions that claim a Higher Being was the creator of all things are also right.

The idea that the Cosmos is a simulation has gained popularity in the past several decades, but the problem is that it is a bit complicated to prove that everything is a simulation while you are a part of the simulation. Just like the Matrix.

2. The reality only exists if there is someone observing it

The Buddhist teaching says that we are the center of the universe because, without someone who is observing the universe, there would be no universe. If there were no humans on the planet, then who would be there to realize that the Moon is right there in front of us? Each person sees and experiences the reality differently, which is why in a way each one of us has their own reality.

Several years ago, a team of researchers demonstrated that particles exist in the form we see them in only when they are measured. Quantum mechanics shows that subatomic particles can either have the form of a wave or a solid object.

This study suggested that these particles ‘choose’ what they will become at the moment when they are measured or observed; until then, they are in a dual state and have the capacity to become a wave or a solid object.

Does this mean that everything around us changes every time we close our eyes and that the universe has the capacity to modify itself depending on who is observing it? We don’t know, but it seems that Buddhists may be absolutely correct when they say that Cosmos wouldn’t exist without someone looking at it.

3. Physical Constants

Why constants in physics are constant is a question nobody can give an answer to. They just are. The Earth’s gravity never changes. We can measure it or use it to measure other phenomena influenced by it, but there is no way of telling why it never changes. In a way, constants are the only things we know for sure, everything else might be disproved.

What happens if there is a change in a physical constant? This question is on the edge of nonsense because constants do not change. That is what they do, they are always the same, while everything around them changes. Nevertheless, if such a change would occur, it would make some sort of glitch in the fabric of space-time.

John Webb, an Australian astronomer, made measurements that show that light has been slowing down in the last 1 billion years. This can only happen if the light absorbed the wrong kind of photons, which is an error, or a glitch.

The larger part of the scientific community is highly suspicious of this research. Still, some people think that constants are an indication that a Higher Being carefully planned the entire Cosmos.

4. The Universe isn’t supposed to be here

If the Cosmos shouldn’t be here, how come we are around to discuss it? It all started with a Big Bang. This term is a bit misleading because there was no Bang since there was no sound. Be it as it may, our universe came into existence from an incredibly small and dense place, that exploded and expanded. As a matter of fact, it is still expanding.

The explosion that created all the matter should have also produced the same amount of antimatter that would destroy everything. Somehow, it didn’t. The very idea of the universe having a begging is acceptable to religion because all the stories of creation written in religious books have a point at which it all began.

In the first half of the 20th-century, scientists thought that the Universe is stagnant and eternal, that it always existed and that it will exist forever. That is why when the Big Bang theory first appeared it was more appealing to the clergy than to scientists. It took nearly fifty years for the scientific community to acknowledge this theory as valid.

5. The Panspermia theory

Every known life form seems as close to perfection as it can possibly be. The origin of life is not known to us. That is why there are many speculations about where did it all begin. Most of these theories are trying to prove that life came to Earth from outer space.

The Late Heavy Bombardment or lunar cataclysm is a period in the history of our planet in which a large number of asteroids collided with Earth. Some people think that life was brought here by these asteroids. NASA even found amino acids that are building blocks of life on some asteroids that collided with Earth at a later date.

However, the Panspermia theory is hard to prove because we would need some proof that life exists elsewhere in any shape or form. So far, the theory which states that life begun in the oceans is much more acceptable to the scientific community. Still, there are people out there who think that life itself is evidence that we are a part of the creation of a Higher Being.

What do you think? Are we alone in the Universe? Have we created by a conscious higher being or everything is just a coincidence? Let us know in the comments.



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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Einstein

    First you should consider that nothing is a coincidence. what ever happens must have been caused either external or internal. you do not expect a body to just move on it on, if I’d ever agree that the origin of everything is a coincidence then I must say that the coincidence was meant. there surely is a higher being, life could not just form. or the wall clocks, the cars and everything we used today artificially did they constructed their self or was it by coincidence that we have a clock in our house? you must admit it! if a watch needed a watch maker to be made then human being had a super Omni-scientist to breath today. I have proofs from the holy religion book to support my notion. but if unfortunately I could not convince anyone, my belief remain. because I have faith in his existence. I have read about the big bang in an old encyclopedia book and I was able to relate some of these theories to what the holy book says about the origin. until this day we still live under the ignorant of the first man. scientist depend on their knowledge but their inventions depend on them to give then data to process into information. what every Sofia “AI” says or act like, is what the creator put in it. here again, the laws of Physics and all other laws of nature were tested multiple times and were found to result the same then were generally accepted, but have any of these laws change today? or was it not written in the Bible that God the creator is unchangeable? human beings will keep research in ignorant until they associate Science with the ancient holy religious book. because in life there if physical realm and spiritual realm, we need both knowledge to understand each. because the originator is a spiritual scientist. the all knowing God… we are the resulting brilliant idea of the trinity.

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