10 Signs That Your Psychological Issues Are Due to Unhealthy Parenting

No parent wants their children to have psychological issues. Every parent wants to raise a child who will give back to society in the future. Sadly, many of them develop mental health problems, and poor parenting is to blame. So do you show signs of these problems? How would you…

What Are Cosmic Connections and How to Recognize Them

Everything is connected, so there is no such thing as a chance meeting. The people in your life are not there by chance but because of cosmic connections. The universe is as complex and interconnected as a spider’s web. Everything that happens affects everything else. While this can be a…

8 Subtle Signs of Psychological Abuse You Should Never Ignore

If you think something might be wrong with your relationship, you could be right. You just might be the victim of psychological abuse. Psychological abuse, although it doesn’t include any sort of physical harm, does have a huge impact on your health and your future. This devious form of abuse…

If You’re a Weird Person Who Feels Alone and Misunderstood, Read This.

Don't you know that our society is sick? So, while it suffers from this illness, I will continue to be a happily weird person. I honestly believe that society is so sick because of conformity. According to politics, religion, and business, we are supposed to abide by unspoken rules of…

What Happens When an Introvert Tries to Become a Social Butterfly

In a society that values outgoing traits so highly, should an introvert fight their natural disposition and try to become a social butterfly? Being an introvert means we often struggle for recognition. Our more outgoing friends get more attention than we do. This can mean we are not valued as…