Ring Theory: a Simple Rule to Follow When Confiding Your Problems to Someone

Ring Theory is a rule that will help you find out who you can turn to in times of crisis and avoid confiding your problems to the wrong people. Emotional events can cause a ripple effect across families, distant relatives and groups of friends. Loved ones and close friends are…

What Are Emotional Triggers and How They Could Be Secretly Influencing Your Life

What are emotional triggers? Do you ever overreact to a comment by a friend or family member that really isn’t meant to upset you? At the same time, you feel like the rug has been whipped away from under your feet? Chances are you have certain emotional triggers and have…

3 Ways the Invasion of Privacy Takes Place Today through Current Technology

You may not be aware of that, but the invasion of privacy takes place every day in the modern world. Current technologies have made it possible to happen. Imagine there were people watching and listening to you every moment of every day. From when you woke up in the morning,…

7 Types of Unhealthy Mother-Daughter Relationships and How Each Affects Your Life

There are more unhealthy mother-daughter relationships than you might think. In fact, it’s possible that the connection with your own daughter is flawed. What you once thought was normal behavior may, in fact, be toxic. There are little indicators that prove you've witnessed unhealthy mother-daughter relationships, which are in dire need…

7 Places of Power around the World Where You Can Access the Energy of Nature

There are many stunning places in the world, but there are a few places of power that can tap into your mind and soul, giving you energy beyond anything you have ever felt before. Many people seek their spirituality in nature. All across this beautiful planet, there are some places…

Falling Dreams: Meanings and Interpretations That Reveal Important Things

Anyone who has experienced falling dreams will tell you that it is a terrifying experience. What does it mean when you see yourself falling in a dream? As frightening as falling dreams are, they are pretty common, and many people dream about falling in some form or another. It is…