Types and Causes of OCD: Why This Disorder Is Not All about Washing Your Hands

Mention a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to anyone and their first response is likely to include an obsession with cleaning and washing hands. Whilst this is one element in the disorder, there are in fact, many types and causes of OCD. And some might surprise you. Here are five…

4 Personal Development Activities That Will Help You Become a Better You

The following activities greatly contribute to personal development, sound mental health and enhanced cognitive performance. Ultimately, they will help you become a better person. Although defined broadly, the term "self-improvement" basically refers to the wide range of strategies individuals deploy for the purpose of becoming better people. There are multiple…

5 Ways Handwriting Practice Boosts Your Cognitive Performance, According to Science

There are some good reasons why handwriting practice is good for our cognitive performance, no matter how old we are. As we are living in an information page, where thousands of new articles and blogs are published every day, here is a simple rule of thumb to follow. Don’t believe…