Let’s explore the most suitable careers for people with an INFJ personality type. These people are gentle, affectionate and have very sharp and complex intuition.

They are artistic and creative people who live in a world full of hidden meanings and possibilities. Only 1% of the population falls into this kind of personality, making them the rarest ones.

INFJs give great importance to order and systematization of things in their environment. They invest a lot of energy into discovering the best system to make things go and define and re-define the priorities of their lives. On the other hand, they make decisions intuitively, so they can be completely spontaneous.

The remarkable intuition of INFJs

INFJs know intuitively everything without being able to explain why and how even when they don’t possess the detailed information about the subject. Generally, they are often proven right and sometimes may seem to know everything.

Consequently, they have a great deal of trust in their instincts and intuition. This can result in a conflict between their inner world and the outside world, and it is possible that they are not so organized for this reason. We could see the tendency toward a somewhat orderly mess.

INFJs are capable of a mysterious insight into situations or people. They often have certainty about things and automatically understand them. As an example: some people with this personality type reported experiences of paranormal nature. It was a strong feeling that something bad happened to their loved one, and then they discovered that the latter had suffered a car accident.

The contradictory traits of this personality type

People with an INFJ personality type are deep and complex and may be quite difficult to understand. They always keep some parts of themselves hidden from others. But these people are as generous as they are complex. They keep a special place in their hearts for those who are close to them, those who are able to see this special gift and the depth of their affection.

They are the kind of people who are always interested in what others feel, trying to be very careful not to hurt someone’s feelings. They are very sensitive to conflicts, which they do not tolerate very well.

Situations that degenerate into conflicts can bring an INFJ into a state of nervousness. They tend to bottle up the negative emotions associated with the conflict, which may result in many health problems caused by stress.

Because INFJs have strong intuitive capabilities, they trust their intuition more than anything else. Hence the image of stubbornness and the tendency to ignore the opinions of other people. They are firmly convinced that they are right.

On the other hand, INFJs are perfectionists who always leave space for doubt. They always have something to do to improve the world or themselves. They believe in constant evolution and rarely happen to take the time to enjoy their own achievements.

INFJs have a very strong system of values and need to live their lives according to what they feel is right. On the affective side of their personality, these people are benevolent, gentle, and easy to be loved.

Contrary to this, they have high expectations when it comes to dealing with other people, including their loved ones and family members. INFJs do not believe in compromising the ideals.

So INFJ personality could be summed up in few characteristics:

  • Intuitive Understanding of Situations and People
  • Strong Principles
  • Complex and Profound
  • Natural leaders
  • Compassionate and sensitive to people’s needs
  • Service-oriented
  • Focused on the future
  • Appreciate deep and authentic relationships
  • They do not care about the details unless they help them with their vision
  • Constantly seek the meaning and purpose of everything that surrounds them
  • Creative and visionary
  • Can live intensely

INFJ careers

As such, INFJ individuals are more focused on choosing a complex professional route than just an ordinary job. They need to feel that whatever they do in life completes their own system of values. That is why they have to choose careers that will allow them to live according to their personal values system and will give them a sense of control and purpose.

Because INFJs highly rely on intuition, they identify a facet of things that other people cannot easily notice. They have leadership talent but can also be subalterns of people who are fighting for the same reason as they do.

The following is a list of possible careers that suit the INFJ type of personality best of all. We have no claim that the list is complete. It is just an orientational list and we do not claim that these jobs are the only ones that are suitable for this personality type.

Here are the best INFJ careers:

  1. Life coach or spiritual counselor
  2. Professor
  3. Dentist or alternative medicine practitioner
  4. Reflexologist
  5. Psychologist
  6. Psychiatrist
  7. Counselor or social worker
  8. Musician
  9. Artist
  10. Novelist
  11. Graphic designer
  12. Architect
  13. Photographer
  14. Social science researcher
  15. Educational consultant

We recommend that you take the Myers-Briggs test if you still haven’t. Not only does it help you get to know yourself better, but it will also provide you with solutions to your personal problems and will guide you towards making more appropriate decisions in life. For example, you can discover what kind of career you can focus on, or what kind of people you can easily relate to.

If you decide to take this test, please share the results with us and let’s discuss them together. How much do you resonate with this personality description?


  1. https://www.16personalities.com
  2. https://www.truity.com

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This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Shaik Waseem

    Hi Andreea, Thanks for putting a lovely article in place. I took my Myers-Briggs test and found out that I am an INTP And INFJ as well.

    1. Shaik Waseem

      I don’t have a lot of people who understood me till date and thinks that my idea of life is completely wrong.

      1. Andreea V

        Hi Shalk, thank you for sharing with us your personality type. Indeed, INFJ individuals are often misunderstood and seen as paranoid, but their intuition is always accurate. Continue following your instincts regardless of what people say.

    2. ibrahim kattan

      Hello Shalk.

      In case your personality is indeed on of these two, I hope this sheds some light to which one of them yours is:

      INTP primary functions are Internal Thinking followed by External Intuition .. which translates to them assessing and analysing their surroundings in order to optimize themselves and become more effecient. They also have the urge to create tangible stuff utilizing these deep universe and exitential related understanding. INTPs are blunt effecient people, but might learn create a mask and filter their responses so that people will not argue with them and waist their time (unless the other person is intellectually worth it to the INTP)

      INFJs on the other hand have Internal Intuition followed by External Feeling as their two primary functions. Internal Intuition is an internal building process which can easily be described as (theories). Given that the second function is External Feeling, INFJs mission in life is to understand humanity and improve their situation.

      Summary: INTP wants to understand the universe, while INFJ wants to understand humanity specifically.

      In addition to that, the last letter (P vs. J) can help as well in identifying your personality. Ps are flexible with sudden changes in the plans and won’t necessarily plan things in details before jumping in (will figure things as they go). Js don’t like sudden changes on pre-alignments and will most likely plan things with details ahead of jumping in to something (like to be prepared).

  2. Luz D Sanchez

    I’m torally an INFJ. It’s has had its pros and cons I’m afraid. The intuitions are on point which as a clinical therapist have helped my clients but my personal life has been difficult.

    1. Andreea V

      Hi Luz. So you are a clinical therapist! A fitting profession for someone empathetic and great listener. Unfortunately, INFJs may face challenges, due to their complex mind and sensible soul. People do not always understand their perceptions of life or situations and as such, they end up being labeled as “weirdos”.
      Another possible reason why INFJs may have complicated lives is that they forget about self-care. They abandon themselves and sacrifice so much for the loved ones, that they risk to be taken advantage of.

      But since you are an INFJ, you also have got the ability to heal. Your strong determination and persistence of succeeding are few of the strengths that will help you overcome pain.

  3. Kat

    Thanks for this article – It’s on point! I’m an INFJ and I’m an Artist and a Textile Designer. I avoid conflict as much as possible because it’s simply not worth the energy I have to use to engage in it. I am benevolent for sure and truly wish to be an emotional support to those around me… so when I’m misunderstood or disliked it’s hard to deal with. In the end you are correct, self care is key! Also, i’m fascinated by the INFJ contradictions – there are always 1000 ways to look at a situation but then again, there is only one way to be… Kind. Thanks again!

    1. Andreea V

      Hi Kat! Thank you for sharing with us a bit of your personality and also showing your appreciation! You seem to be connected to your inner self and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Indeed, INFJs have a strong dislike for arguments when they know that kindness is the way to resolve any issue. As a matter of fact, arguments can leave deep scars on the sensible heart of an INFJ.

      You certainly are a typical INFJ since you chose a career in Art. Most INFJs have a passion (which can develop into a successful career) for music, writing, poetry or painting due to their deep perspective on life. They see and feel beyond and as such, art is a harmonious way for them to express what others cannot understand.

  4. Sherrie

    A friend of mine is an INFJ. I just thought he was an alien. 😉 Seriously though, he’s wonderful.

    1. Andreea V

      Hello Sherrie! Hehe well, INFJs are always perceived as being strange and weird by most of the people they connect with. The reason why they give this impression is that they live most of the time in their inner world. They feel everything ten times more than the other personality types and they often find it difficult to explain why.

      But once you understand their deep emotions and ideas, they can be the greatest help you need. They are great supporters, loyal and kind.

  5. B

    It’s very difficult being an INFJ. You feel way too much. It makes it very challenging being around others with less empathy. I get lost in my inner world and become consumed with finding purpose in life. The intuitive ability is interesting, but probably not worth it, imo. I often wish I had a different personality type…

  6. laziza

    iman INFJ and this is on point their is not a single fact I cant completely disagree with. I can never find people who can understand me. I’m quite thinking cause I try to understand people and ill my intuitions are correct. half the jobs that are on that list I was thinking of getting and I’m still young this is still accurate.

  7. Emma

    I’m an INFJ and I’m stuck trying to figure out my purpose in life. I’m going into my senior year of high school where I have to choose a college and a major and it is stressing me out. I have artistic talent and all my teachers want me to write a book, but I’m scared of failing as a writer. I thought about becoming a doctor, but I’ll miss writing and art. The only constant in any jobs I’m considering is the need to tell stories. Does anyone have any suggestions for jobs where I can tell stories? Majoring in film and cinema is what I think I want to do, but my parents are scared of me failing. What do I do?

    1. Sheldon

      Hi Emma, I’d strongly urge caution in choosing being a doctor: INFJs like us wither at the high standards and heavy pressures demanded in medicine. Just like you said, being a doctor means you’ll miss writing and art, because being a doctor means committing your life, body and soul to treating patients. We do well, though, in psychology and counselling, because helping (in the sense of spirit and morale) is in our nature.

      I too am an INFJ and like you always considered careers where I could tell stories, but became afraid of taking them on for fear of failing and disappointing my parents. Instead, I shelved that creative part of myself and aimed towards some pragmatic profession like architecture. However, from the moment I graduated my high school, I experienced almost a decade hopping between courses–from architecture, to programming, to multimedia, to engineering and even retail, because I never felt truly satisfied. The irony of it all was that I felt as though I’d become failure anyway, having never pursued my talents and dreams.

      Our parents want us to be able to earn our keep, so they usually suggest stable careers by default; little do they know that our sense of purpose must come first (bless them for having us INFJs :)). So what you do is to have courage to do what you aspire to do–and do it so well that you earn a nice, stable income.

      Today, I’m taking my original dream of art and storytelling head-on with a degree in design, and loving it. Although it’s took early for me to decide conclusively, I’m hoping to become an illustrator, or a comic book artist, or be producing concept art and storyboards for animation, or even be a technical illustrator for people who need the visuals (it’s not easy to see things in just words or numbers). As long as we have an audience, we’ll always have a demand for stories and new perspectives.

      A major in film and cinema is certainly a good idea as it offers a good blend of art, writing, photography and even the social sciences. While you’re still in senior high school, take time to reach out to other colleges and see what other similar courses are available. I’m sure that you’ll do well in anything you choose (it’s in our INFJ nature to do things well), and I look forward to the stories that you might tell.

  8. Aml

    Hi Andreea !
    I found out that I’m INFJ and I really want to be a surgeon , I don’t know if it suits my personality type or not :-\

    1. Diane Mitts

      Hey Aml… 🙂 I’m 51 and ALWAYS wanted to be a doctor too! I wound up getting in to Medical assisting, because it let me do the Medical “stuff” (the clinical hands on of taking vitals, interacting with the patients, and getting them ready to see the doc). It let me HELP, and feel like I was making somebody’s day better. And as a mom of 3 (at the time teenage) sons It was something I could get into that was a two-year course. It let me be mom, AND professional. 🙂 Just another option…

  9. lupita bruxner

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  10. Eliza

    Yes definitely INFJ here, I’ve had some uncanny ‘premonitions’ about the people in my life, specifically their relationships with their other halves. Correct always! E.g. a cousin and her boyfriend, the first time I saw them together I said ‘he’s more into her than she is into him’ and was surprised when they got married a couple of years later. They got divorced shortly afterwards because she turned out to prefer girls to boys (I didn’t see that, but then it wasn’t really relevant). Second e.g. I saw my friends, married, arguing in a bar over something really silly, I think she wanted to go home and he didn’t and was treating her with disdain for being boring. I turned to my other friend and said ‘I give them 3 years before they split’ and was told off for being so negative. Sure enough, 3 years later they divorced… It’s weird but I’ve learned to trust my intuition and go with the feels. Never understand when people ask me how they know they’re in love – can’t you just feel if it’s right?!! I’ve been happily married for 16 years, since I was 24, I just knew I’d made the right choice and was very calm and assured on my wedding day. My problem is, how do you go about explaining what you just ‘know’ to other people?! My family have learned to trust my instincts and often ask me for character assessments now on new people, it’s hilarious.

  11. Diane Mitts

    Another INFJ… Hi all!!! Have to admit this made SOOOO much sense to me. I took the test, and then read the INFJ info. I swear it was like they’d seen my whole life. No WAY!!! Always felt like the “black sheep of the family”, now I know why. 🙂 Most definitely a “people pleaser”, and have to admit I can tend to be an “unhealthy INFJ” because of it. I can’t STAND anybody being upset or disappointed in me, confrontation is my enemy, and I’m told OFTEN by family ( my sons especially) that I take on too much responsibility at my job. (I work overnights in a residential house caring for folks in crisis, usually 50 to 60 hours a week) The supervisor knows that if there’s a hole in the schedule, I have a HARD time saying “no” and will fill it. “MOM!!! They have to take care of it!! Not your job mom….” (My boys worry because as mentioned in the article, “self care” is almost unknown.) EG.. I have Multiple Sclerosis, and stress plays a big part in symptoms “popping up”, but do I ever say “no” when asked, at the last minute even, to come in to work? um… no… the clients need me. I HAVE to help out and take care of my “peeps”…. HOWEVER, last week I HAD to take an unscheduled “vacay” (?) My system was so run down from the 76 hours I’d put in Christmas week, and the 50 hours during New Years, that I couldn’t fight off the Bronchitis that got me. 🙂 oh well….My guys are always telling me I don’t take care of me, and one will say I should “go take a nap”.. and another will reply “I know, you’ll sleep when you’re dead…” (because that’s been the standing joke for years…). 🙂

    But It’s great to FINALLY understand WHY I act and feel the way I do, and to know I’m NOT alone. Thank you!!!!

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