Less than 2% of the population demonstrates the INFJ characteristics. Could you share the traits of the world’s rarest personality type?

Isabel Myers and her mother Katharine Briggs created the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator test in the 1940s. The theory is based on the theories of the psychoanalyst, Carl Jung. The test assesses an individual in 4 categories determining where they are on the scale between the two extremes. The characteristics are: Extroversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving.

So if you have an INFJ personality type, you will exhibit the traits of Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling and Judging. Few people share this combination of personality traits, which is why INFJ is the rarest type.

INFJs are also known as ‘The Advocate’ and have been described as emotionally intelligent and intuitive but also mysterious.

If you relate to the following 10 characteristics, you may well have the rarest personality type.

1. INFJs often report feeling “different”

Because INFJs are the rarest personality type, they can often feel a little lonely and misunderstood. It can be particularly difficult for INFJs to find others who share their worldview. However, they do connect well with ENTPs, ENFPs, and ENFJs. Relationships with these people can have the meaning INFJs long for but still help draw them out of their own heads for a while.

2. INFJs take an all-or-nothing approach to life

INFJs commit to things 100%, but this can make them a little intense. Everything they do, they give their all, too. There is no such thing as moderation for the typical INFJ. On the plus side, this all or nothing approach makes them hugely loyal.

3. INFJs make others feel comfortable

INFJs may often find themselves providing a listening ear to those in trouble. It is not uncommon for complete strangers to reveal deep secrets and feelings to an INFJ when they first meet them. There is something about an INFJ that makes you feel you can trust them and like you have known them forever.

4. INFJs are often mistaken for extroverts

While INFJ’s are introverts, their exceptional feeling abilities, empathy and intuition make them very good at social interactions. They are certainly not socially awkward. So, most people who don’t know them extremely well would guess they were actually extroverts. However, those that do know them well understand that social interactions do take a lot of energy from them so they need plenty of time alone to recharge afterward.

5. INFJs make decisions based on emotion

INFJ’s use their intuition to guide them through life. While they are perfectly capable of taking a rational approach to things, ultimately it is their gut feeling that counts. This may be because they are very perceptive and insightful.

They pick up on the nuances of a situation, perhaps on body language or words and actions that don’t add up. They may not even know they are doing this, but experience has taught them never to reject a gut feeling.

INFJs may also understand the deeper causes of another person’s action better than most. This means they can very understanding, loving, and forgiving even when others behave ‘badly’.

6. INFJs are typically perfectionists and high achievers

Because of their all-or-nothing personality, INFJs are perfectionists. They will plan and execute everything they do down to the last detail and give every task 100% effort. However, this need for perfection can make them hard on themselves and cause problems with self-esteem. INFJs also take criticism very personally and are liable to give up something entirely if they feel they can’t do it perfectly.

7. INFJs like to reflect on their life purpose

INFJs think a lot. They are anxious to make a difference in the world and achieve their purpose. This can give them a tendency to worry and overwork. INFJs need to focus on spending time on things that make them happy as well as on fixing the woes of the world.

8. INFJs ultimately seek genuine truth and meaning.

INFJs have little interest in material possessions, competition and conventional measures of success. Instead, they seek genuine knowledge, meaning and insights. Don’t even try to make small talk with a person of this personality type, or try to impress them with the details of your new car. If you want to make a true connection with an INFJ, you need to discuss deep subjects that they find meaningful.

9 INFJs are idealists and visionaries

INFJs can see an ideal world and want to make it a reality. Others may call them naïve and idealistic. However, INFJs prefer to get on with the work of creating a better world than slip into arguments with others.

INFJs can always see the big picture. They can see the interlinked nature of things and thus the causes and contributing factors to the problems of the world. They refuse to focus on small aspects of society and petty arguments,. Instead, they are focusing on how their dream of a loving peaceful world can be created.

10. INFJs have a way with words

INFJs often have an extensive vocabulary and a natural way with words. They do tend to prefer to write their ideas rather than talk about them. This may be part of their perfectionism.

In a written letter or article, an INFJ has the opportunity to get every word and nuance write. The rarest personality type can sometimes struggle to get their big ideas across in conversation due to the difficulty in managing all the various threads of a complicated topic.

INFJ personality is the rarest one out there, but people with this type do have so much to offer the world. If you are lucky enough to know an INFJ, treat them with care and consideration for their unique traits.

If you are an INFJ, then be proud of your characteristics but also try not to be too hard on yourself. You don’t need to take the troubles of the world on to your shoulders all of the time. You deserve to kick back and relax sometimes, too.


  1. myersbriggs.org

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Audrey

    Interesting. I’m an INTP and also an empath, I can relate to all things on that list except maybe 2 and 6 (I’d say instead of giving it my all, I rather have very high standards for myself and others, but it doesn’t take 100% effort… I imagine that’s very tiring. And I am very loyal too, but only if I know the person is “in” fully as well and we’ve built trust among each other, which can take a while).

    Also, intuition is not the same as emotion. I decide based on intuition as well, I think everyone ‘should’ decide based on gut feelings. Analytical skills are for problem solving and discovering, not making decisions on what feels right and fulfilling to the individual.

  2. god acchan

    doesn’t that mean i’m unique?. or idk i dont feel so lol. so thats why my friends often call me an alien. since i’m mysterious yet understanding others the most.

  3. GG

    I do feel different honestly i do consider myself an infj or just introvert but thats true, people do seem to be so damm comftarble (wrong spelling). that they even start talking about their problems to me and well luckyly i do give good advice.

  4. Sandra Lawrence

    I identify totally with this. I am an empath and seem to just “know” when people need to talk. It helped a lot with me doing social work and becoming a Samaritan.

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