Phone Anxiety: the Fear of Talking on the Phone (and How to Get Over It)

Do you find yourself feeling anxious when you are talking on the phone? Chances are you have phone anxiety. Phone anxiety may sound like a silly idea in our age when it's impossible to imagine our life without a smartphone in our hands. Still, except for bringing us all kinds…

13 Graphs Perfectly Demonstrate What Depression Feels Like

Sometimes, words just aren’t enough, but there are other ways to get ideas across. These images will help you understand what depression feels like. Through drawings or illustrations, you can understand more than thousands of words put together could ever convey. Besides, when there are pictures involved, the audience is…

4 Powers That May Be Hiding Behind Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are commonly associated with being a purely negative thing. It’s no surprise, since anxiety, especially in its severe forms, can make one’s life difficult. Whatever type of anxiety disorder you may be suffering from, it’s for sure that it causes you troubles, making you unable to handle the…

Spiritually-Minded People May Be More Likely to Suffer from Anxiety Disorders

A study suggests that there might be a link between anxiety and being spiritually-minded. Many people in our oh-so-busy world suffer from General Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which is regarded as a chemical imbalance based disability. Those who live with anxiety will attest to the horrifying bouts and painful attacks their…