11 Struggles Only Overthinkers Will Understand

Overthinkers face daily challenges, worrying about and over analysing even the most insignificant situations. We are spending more time alone, and being inundated with various forms of online communication has made us more introspective. Suddenly, we are more concerned in regards to how we appear to others and what others…

4 Effective Ways to Overcome Social Anxiety

Almost 13% of the world’s population suffer from social anxiety, a crippling debilitating affliction that can impact daily life in massive ways. Fear of social situations can mean some people don’t want to leave their house or communicate with others, as when they do they may experience panic attacks, emotional…

Comic Captures What the World Is Like for Socially Anxious People

Like most mental disorders, social anxiety can alter your perception of reality, yourself and others. As a result, social situations make you feel extremely uncomfortable and sometimes even panicked. Whatever involves the interaction with other people, from making a phone call to saying ‘hi’ to your neighbors, scares you like…

Scientists Have Discovered a Simple Way to Reduce Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is something nearly 15 million people suffer from worldwide, yet, it is still a mental illness that many misunderstand. Social anxiety can be described as a fear of human interaction and not surprisingly, is the third-largest mental health issue in the United States. Alongside feelings of nervousness, panic,…

4 Types of Introverts: Which One Are You? (Free Test)

Everywhere you look there are articles and stories about introverts and extroverts. But did you know that there are 4 different types of introverts? If you look into each personality aspect, there are different types within. I’m an introvert and the topic of introversion has always interested me, so I…

New Study Reveals That Anxious Personality Can Be Inherited from Your Parents

Anxiety: does it come from our mothers and fathers, or is it something created by our experiences and environment? Studies show that depression and anxiety are both inherited and have roots in the way we live. Depression and anxiety are common disorders, the average age of onset being 11. About…

This Funny Comic Perfectly Captures How Social Anxiety Feels

Social anxiety can be tough. It makes you feel confused, frightened, and uncomfortable even in the simplest everyday situations that involve dealing with other people. If you struggle with this condition, you know exactly how social anxiety feels. Making a phone call, using public transport, or asking for directions can…