Practicing Kindness Can Change Your Brain, New Study Suggests

Being compassionate is thought to be a personality trait that only some of us have. The ability to ignore suffering and turn a blind eye toward the needy is just as commonplace as compassion and causes more suffering. If only everyone would provide an even level of compassion, the world…

Reversing the Emotions of the Memory: Scientists Find a Way to Erase Negative Memories

Depression, anxiety and PTSD disorder - these conditions have one thing in common. They are built upon negative memories, sometimes even highly traumatic events called emotional associations or Valences. These Valences are directly responsible for reminiscence but in the negative form. Social anxieties and other disorders grow as the negative…

Master Your Reality: How to Wake Up and Live the Life of Your Dreams

What if I told you that you are the creator of your life? You are the master of your own reality! Would you believe me? Some of these may sound familiar to you: "I am not successful/happy because of my partner/my parents who did not give me the right start in…