How to Use Your Depression to Your Advantage

Unfortunately, I’ve always suffered from clinical depression. Even during good periods, I can feel as though I’m right on the edge of feeling that crushing, debilitating pain that there is no escape from. Whilst a lot of people who have never experienced depression can struggle to understand it, there are…

This Single Root Cause of Interpersonal Conflict Will Help You Deal with Anyone

There is a profound yet subtle source of interpersonal conflict in daily life, a root cause or bulb from which so much misunderstanding sprouts. We overestimate the differences between people’s character and our own while underestimating just how much people’s views are informed by experiences we have not had, or stories…

How Your Music Tastes Give an Insight into the Way You Think

Your music tastes or the type of music you listen to can actually give big clues into the way in which you think, researchers at Cambridge University have found. The study, which was published in PLOS ONE journal, focuses specifically on two types of thinking: empathizers and systemizers. Empathizers are…

The One Type of Love You Shouldn’t Live Without: Life Coaching for Self-Love

What is self-love? This is certainly a question many life coaches will have considered. No, it's not about your ego. Nor about being selfish. Self-love is the acceptance and understanding of yourself and of your emotions. Once you find this kind of love for yourself it will have a major…

4 Surprising Facts You Didn‘t Know about Left-Handed People

New research published in Live Science [1] claimed that the humans have been predominantly right-handed for over 500,000 years, however, left-handed people make up 10 percent of the population, undoubtedly making them the odd ones out. There has been lots of research into why some people prefer to use their…