What Is Psychological Deflection and How It Might Be Blocking Your Growth

Psychological deflection is often considered a narcissistic abuse tactic. However, you might be using it too without even knowing. Deflection, by definition, is a method of changing the course of an object, an emotion, or thought from its original source. Psychological deflection is seen as a narcissistic abuse tactic used…

Catastrophic Thinking: How to Recognize and Deal with It When You Have Anxiety

What is one of the worst aspects of having anxiety? Catastrophic thinking is anxiety at a whole other level of negativity. Let’s deal with this. Honestly, I wasn’t an expert in the term catastrophic thinking, but I was familiar with its definition. Catastrophic thinking is the way the mind operates under…

How to Make a Phone Call When You Have Phone Phobia and Social Anxiety

Some people struggle to make a phone call, no matter how weird or funny it may sound. However, for socially anxious people and some introverts, phone phobia is a reality. What is phone phobia? Phone anxiety or phone phobia is a psychological condition in which a person experiences extreme fear…

6 Uncomfortable Self-Esteem Activities That Will Boost Your Confidence

Good self-esteem and confidence are two things that you are not born with. However, there are some self-esteem activities that may seem uncomfortable, but practicing them regularly will increase your confidence and belief in yourself. If you know someone with great self-esteem, it is because they spent a long time…

How to Overcome Social Anxiety by Asking Yourself This One Silly Question

If you want to overcome social anxiety, you’ve probably already read tons of articles on the subject. There are many techniques for dealing with social anxiety, but they don’t work for everyone. Some are too complex, others are too challenging, such as forcing yourself to talk to strangers. Today, I…

5 Common Sense Questions to Ask Yourself to Stop Overthinking and Ruminating

Many hours can be wasted overthinking things. This is part of having an anxious mind which never seems to shut off. Sometimes asking the right common sense questions is the only way to find peace. If you have anxiety, then you understand about overthinking. You know how negative thoughts can…