5 Amazing Ways Meditation Can Affect and Change Your Body

It is a wide-known fact that meditation is a powerful tool against stress, fatigue, and anxiety. However, numerous scientific studies have shown that mindfulness not only makes you relaxed and helps you unleash your inner potential but can also significantly benefit your health and affect your body on a physical…

More Nutrition for the Mind’s Eye: Tips and Foods to Keep Your Pineal Gland Healthy

“Fluoride accumulates in the body. Even low doses are harmful to babies, the thyroid, kidney patients and heavy water-drinkers. There are even doubts about fluoridation's effectiveness” (Smith 2012) With my last article, “Nutrition for the Mind’s Eye: Foods to Reactivate Your Pineal Gland” vastly approaching viral status, I figured that…

Experiment with Meditators: Can Human Mind Interfere with Quantum Objects?

A lot of researchers have recently started to conduct a variety of experiments to understand whether or not the human consciousness has any effect on the physical world. A lot of experiments have already drawn conclusive results aiming towards the subtle effect that the human mind has on the surrounding…

2-Minute Meditation: How to Get Yourself to Meditate Every Day

Many people are too busy to meditate or struggle to sit still. Fortunately, there is a simple approach called '2-minute meditation', which will work for everyone. Meditation teaches us to focus, reduces stress, helps us get rid of bad habits, improves memory and self-control, lowers blood pressure, normalizes metabolism, lowers…

What Is the Best Music to Help You Study?

Beethoven once said, “Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.” As it turns out, music enhances learning, too. According to a College Entrance Exam Board Service study, students involved in musical extracurricular activities scored 51 points higher on the verbal portion of the SAT exams and 39…