How Tibetan Nuns Consciously Change Their Body Temperature

Singapore scientists made a surprising discovery, observing Tibetan nuns who were practicing certain meditation techniques. According to the Science Daily, a conscious increase in body temperature as a result of meditation was first recorded. Researchers at Singapore University observed Tibetan nuns during meditation. Despite the fact that the temperature of the air…

5 Morning Tips for Boosting Creativity

Keeping your creative juices flowing is not always easy, and boosting creativity can be quite a challenge sometimes. The thought of not being able to come up with ideas and innovations can be stressful, and stress stifles creativity. This starts a vicious cycle of worrying about being able to perform,…

Sleep on It: Why Regular Rest Makes for a More Productive Lifestyle

When a boss catches an employee napping at work, are they likely to be fired or will the employer realize that getting some rest doesn't always need to be seen negatively; the employee may simply have been recharging their batteries? No prizes for choosing the right answer there. Unfortunately, taking…

Regular Meditation Proven to Rebuild the Brain

Just two months of conscious and proper practice of regular meditation seem to completely rebuild the human brain. This sensational conclusion was made by a team of scientists at Harvard Medical School. The results of the study were published in a special edition of Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. The experiment was…

Concentration As a Tool for Success and 3 Ways to Enhance It

Many people experience difficulties when making important decisions when it is necessary to stay focused and think seriously about something. But instead, their head is a mess, and they can’t make any decision. The reason is a lack of concentration. Our attention is dynamic and constantly strives to move from one…