What Is a Positive Bias and How It Distorts Your Perception of Other People

What is a positive bias, you ask? It is a tendency in humans to overestimate when good things will happen. There is even a specific use of this term in research. It refers to when someone in research only publishes positive outcomes. A positive bias is normally seen as a…

The Nature of Reality and 4 Experiments That Show Reality Is an Illusion

As a species, the human race has evolved to the point where we ask ourselves fundamental questions to help make sense of our existence. One such question is, What is the nature of reality? If I asked you to explain what reality is, you might respond by saying that it…

How Decision-Making Psychology Explains Why We Vote the Way We Do

What is decision-making psychology and what has it got to do with how we vote? The psychology of decision-making demonstrates that every conscious decision we make is influenced by our emotions, unconscious thoughts, biases, and prejudices. These influences are mental shortcuts that help us make faster choices. We have learnt…

10 Signs of Third Eye Opening and Practical Ways to Start It

The power of the third eye opening is something that everyone can really learn and feel. It gives you access to deeper knowledge. Today, there is a collective awakening that changes the limiting conditions of humanity. Unfortunately, the pineal gland is also prone to calcification due to processed foods and…

4 Signs of All-Or-Nothing Thinking and What You Can Do to Change It

All-or-nothing thinking is something we all fall prey to from time to time. It is more common in people with anxiety and depression (among other things). This cognitive distortion is only one of the many negative thought patterns we sometimes adopt. It leads people to think in extremes. There is…