The Unknown Origin of Thanksgiving: a Dark Story You Didn’t Learn in School

The holiday of Thanksgiving may seem straightforward with turkey and stuffing but has an uglier side that many are unaware of... The origin of Thanksgiving is more complicated than just the story of the pilgrims and Native Americans celebrating at Plymouth rock. It gets a bit darker, and peace ultimately…

How to Deal with Seasonal Depression with the Help of Spirituality

Learning how to deal with seasonal depression has been an ongoing experience, filled with many ways of coping in the darkest times. There are so many books about dealing with depression and anxiety, including seasonal affective disorder (SAD) or seasonal depression. And it makes sense why. I mean, haven’t you…

The Origin of Halloween and Its Forgotten Ancient Roots

Halloween brings jack-o-lanterns, candy, and decorations, but, do we really know anything about this holiday's origin? The history of the beginning of Halloween is debated among many people, groups and spiritualists. So, you might say that Halloween has more than one origin. The historical origins are usually considered the absolute…

Post-Vacation Depression Is Real: How to Recognize and Overcome It

There are many reasons to feel depressed, and one of the worst types of depression during this season is post-vacation depression. The excitement associated with going on vacation can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, so can the feeling of post-vacation depression. Although you really should be basking in the memories of your…