Study: Your Body Could Perceive the Future

It is known that the subconscious part of the mind 'knows' much more than the conscious one. But can our bodies perceive the future without us even realizing it? A meta-analysis of U.S. scientists has shown that the subconscious mind switches on before our conscious awareness is activated, warning us…

Why Do Our Deceased Loved Ones Visit Us in Our Dreams?

Sometimes strange things happen to us when we close our eyes to sleep. For some of us, we're visited by deceased loved ones. American scientists found that 60% of women and 40% of men often have dreams of deceased relatives and friends. In the dream, living and dead people meet and…

Low Self-Esteem: What Subconscious Programs Hide Behind It and How to Get Rid of Them

Low self-esteem is what creates the feeling of inadequacy. Many people don’t even understand where it originates. Low self-esteem has a strong negative influence on all spheres of life: it attracts unhappy relationships, prevents promotions at work, and makes you feel like everything surrounding you is gray and unfair. What subconscious programs…

10 Steps to Programming Your Dreams

In our dreams, we encounter the subconscious, which can tell a lot about our lives and help resolve difficult situations. With the help of lucid dreaming, i.e. programming your dreams and, therefore, influencing the content of your dream, you can get answers to questions that remain open in real life…

Clairvoyance: Is There Any Evidence That It Is Real?

Clairvoyance: these messages from the secret channels of the mind are images suddenly making their appearance to warn us about the future… Many abilities of the human brain still remain hidden from scientists. Yet, only a small percentage of human potential has been known after years of research and much effort. This gives us insight into just…

Déjà Vu: Scientists vs Mystics

The phrase is French and means "already seen". The deja vu phenomenon describes an experience in which, for a few seconds or fractions of seconds, we feel that something we are experiencing at the moment has already happened in the past. Some people experience it every day, others very rarely,…