How to Handle Rejection the Way Successful People Do

Being rejected is a horrible feeling that we can all sympathize with. While some rejections may just hurt a little, others leave long-term scars. Learning how to handle rejection, whether its life-changing or a minor inconvenience, is a valuable life skill to have. Having a toolbox full of strategies to…

20 Signs of a Narcissistic Perfectionist Who Is Poisoning Your Life

Psychological terms such as narcissism and perfectionist have been around for decades. We understand their character traits, even if we don’t possess them ourselves. But what happens when the two collide? Is there such a thing as a narcissistic perfectionist? And if so, what impact does it have on a…

What Is Projection Bias and How to Avoid It at Work

What you believe is true and what is actually true may not be the same thing, and this can lead us to projection bias. When you’re working on an important project or just working with others, it’s important to understand other people are different from ourselves. If we are focused…

6 Signs of a Narcissistic Coworker and What to Do If You Have One

Working is hard enough, but do you know what’s worse than that? It’s extremely difficult when you have a narcissistic coworker. There are various work environments, some more taxing than others. I remember working in a factory around many negative situations. Honestly, it was a nightmare. The same can be…

4 Leadership Styles and Examples Where They Can Be Used

Are you effectively leading people or not using the right leadership styles when needed? You can probably think back to certain leaders in your life and the leadership styles they used. An effective leader can manage people effortlessly without having to be overbearing or ruthless. The best leaders are the…

How to Deal with Job Burnout and Achieve Work-Life Balance

Technically speaking, burnout implies the cessation of operation of a jet or a rocket engine. Projecting this definition onto the office landscape, job burnout closely relates to work stress. Indeed the term ‘burnout’ in this context was first introduced by Freudenberger (1974). He pointed to the occupational hazards professionals are…