The Psychology of Anchoring and How It Affects Your Ideas & Decisions

Anchoring in psychology is a specific cognitive bias. It takes the form of individuals grabbing hold of the one piece of information they heard first, to the detriment of other information. You might know this as ‘first impressions’ – when someone relies on their own first idea of a person…

6 Reasons Why Introverts Make Great Entrepreneurs

Did you know that some of the greatest entrepreneurs and inventors were, in fact, introverts? Most people tend to underestimate their skills and chances to reach success. In a world where extroverts are predominant in numbers, an introvert can easily feel pushed to the sidelines. Introversion and extroversion should not…

8 Best Jobs for Introverts with Anxiety to Help Them Unleash Their Potential

Working life can be very difficult for anxious introverts. Luckily, there are jobs for introverts with anxiety that suit them and make for a fulfilling, low-stress life. Obviously, the best careers for introverts with anxiety don't involve a lot of stressful contact with people such as conferences, sales calls and…

DISC Personality Types: Which One Better Describes You?

If you are interested in personality tests, you may have come across the DISC personality types. But what are they and which one best describes you? The DISC classification differs slightly from other personality tests. This is because it focuses on human emotions and behaviour when categorising, rather than character…

Introverts Make Good Employees and Here Are 8 Reasons Why

In the workplace, extroverts are more sociable, but introverts also exhibit useful qualities. Sometimes introverts really make good employees. Most workplaces are dominated by outgoing individuals who exhibit the ability to play leadership roles. Introverts have suffered misrepresentation by employers on many occasions. Employers often focus on the introvert’s most…