How to deal with anxiety without medication? This article will help you find out the natural ways to manage the condition.
In today’s world, we take medication for nearly everything. Any ache or pain, change in diet, etc., and the first solution on most people’s minds is to medicate the condition. This is especially true for people who suffer from anxiety because physical symptoms with this condition lead to doctor’s appointments. Often, the doctor’s only solution is to prescribe medication. So, the cycle continues until a person becomes addicted and now has anxiety and a substance abuse condition.
If you are one of these people, understand that medications are not the best treatment to deal with anxiety. There are ways in which your anxiety can be successfully managed or cured.
Manage or Cure Anxiety?
Generally, there is a difference between managing anxiety and actually curing it. With managing it, you still have the condition. However, the way you manage or deal with anxiety is to do something at the moment that will prevent the anxiety from determining your response. This prevents it from affecting you at that moment, although the condition is not gone permanently.
Perhaps you take a medication or fight through it. To cure anxiety means you no longer have the disorder. It is permanently gone and does not affect you by ruling your response to a different situation that previously brought on anxiety.
Anxiety and Substance Abuse Tips
The best way that you can fight anxiety is by committing to a comprehensive treatment program. Essentially, overcoming anxiety becomes a lifestyle for you and not just something you try to do once. Simply hoping that your anxiety becomes less severe over time does not make it so.
With that said, there are tactics that you can adopt to help you overcome anxiety or learn to manage it as you work towards a permanent state. Eventually, you may develop a habit where doing these things are integrated into your life. Forms of talk therapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy can also be useful. Whether you are at home, work or enjoying a day with family, practicing the following tips offer long-term benefits.
Exercise More
There is a link between managing anxiety and exercising. People who do not exercise or they to stay active in some way are more prone to develop anxiety disorders. However, exercise alone has been proven to be a very useful tool for you to deal with anxiety.
When you get moving, exercise will:
- Release natural chemical substances that can uplift your mood
- Burn stress hormones that are connected to triggering anxiety
- Tire out muscles to help prevent symptoms associated with anxiety
If you want a natural way to combat anxiety attacks, start a regular exercise regimen. This type of treatment is healthy and can deliver real results so you see that you are making progress.
Practice Breathing Exercises
Another form of exercise is breathing techniques. This is especially good for people who have a tendency to hyperventilate. In general, hyperventilation is a very common condition for people who suffer from panic attacks. In many situations, this condition causes more anxiety with physical symptoms of its own. Therefore, to prevent this from happening at the worst possible moment, you can do breathing exercises.
This will help to calm your body and reduce the chance that you will begin hyperventilating. Dozens of techniques exist, so you should be able to find ones that are suitable and easy for you to master.
Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
- For five or six seconds, slowly breathe in through your nose
- Hold for three seconds before breathing out for seven seconds
Using this technique returns the right carbon dioxide balance to your body. This can help to keep your heart rate beating at the right speed, while at the same time decrease severe anxiety symptoms.
Take Vitamins to Supplement Nutrition
Some studies show that people who are most likely to suffer from anxiety are not eating enough nutritious meals. The biggest culprit appears to be a lack of magnesium. This is an incredibly important mineral because it depletes naturally during stressful times.
Therefore, if you have low levels of magnesium, it will possibly get even lower while you are experiencing an anxiety attack. This does not mean that low magnesium levels cause anxiety, rather it can trigger some of the symptoms.
Ask your doctor about taking supplements for magnesium or other vitamins to make sure your body functions at its optimal nutritious level. Whatever tactic you choose, the most important thing to remember is by making a commitment to change, you have taken a very important step to overcoming anxiety.