What Is Emotional Reasoning and 5 Signs You Rely Too Much on It

The danger of emotional reasoning is that our feelings overrule the facts. This can be overwhelming and unhealthy. I call it analytical behavior, and yet, it’s actually emotional reasoning. Maybe the two are connected when toxic thinking rules our brains. I must admit, I can sit for hours and reason,…

How to Let Go of Resentment and Why It Should Have No Place in Your Life

If you want to live a better life, then you must not dwell on resentment. Bitterness can damage your health and leave scars. Stress comes in so many forms and derives from various sources. If stress derives from unforgiveness or unsolved problems, it can lead to bitterness. Resentment is when…

What Is Agitated Depression and What Are Its Symptoms and Treatment Options

Agitated depression falls under the umbrella of the depression diagnosis. It is a form of depression where the individual is often agitated, restless and angry often. In the past, it was known as “melancholia agitata” but is now referred to as “mixed mania” or “mixed features”. Agitated depression is often…

5 Signs Your High Sensitivity Is Turning You into a Manipulator

If you have a high sensitivity to many things in life, then be careful. Your sensitivities can turn you into a  manipulative person, if not checked. Having a high sensitivity can mean many things. Being more sensitive can mean you see things that others don’t and you feel on a…

7 Subtle Effects of Depression Most People Are Unaware of

There are some less known effects of depression few people are aware of. Depression doesn't always look like extreme sadness or hopelessness. Due to a fixed list of the symptoms and effects of depression promoted by the media, this disorder is becoming harder and harder to recognize without medical intervention.…