How to Use Transtheoretical Model to Change Your Negative Behaviours

The transtheoretical model of behaviour is a new theory that is being applied to many aspects of therapy. This behaviour model looks into new techniques someone has learned within a controlled environment. It then assesses whether or not they are prepared to use that technique in their everyday lives. The…

5 Signs Your High Sensitivity Is Turning You into a Manipulator

If you have a high sensitivity to many things in life, then be careful. Your sensitivities can turn you into a  manipulative person, if not checked. Having a high sensitivity can mean many things. Being more sensitive can mean you see things that others don’t and you feel on a…

Why You Need Assertiveness Skills and 5 Ways to Develop Them

Do you lack assertiveness skills? Do you know of a situation where assertiveness skills would have come in handy? You’re not alone! We’ve probably all had experience of a situation where assertiveness skills were useful. Perhaps you’ve put yourself out and ended up getting hurt because you didn’t want to upset…

7 Subtle Effects of Depression Most People Are Unaware of

There are some less known effects of depression few people are aware of. Depression doesn't always look like extreme sadness or hopelessness. Due to a fixed list of the symptoms and effects of depression promoted by the media, this disorder is becoming harder and harder to recognize without medical intervention.…

The Asch Experiment and the Uncomfortable Truth It Reveals about Human Nature

The Asch experiment reveals the true power of conformity. In fact, you might just see yourself in a whole new light! If you’ve ever wondered how your opinions can influence people, as well as how others can influence you, the Asch experiment is worth reading about in more detail. One…

How to Find Your Child’s Temperament Type and Parent Them Accordingly

The temperament is a set of characteristics and qualities a person exhibits on a daily basis, starting with early childhood. How to find your child's temperament type and how will it help you parent them? There are seven major characteristics making up temperament in children: activity level, approachability, adaptability, mood,…