New Study Reveals the Link Between Strong Relationships and Success

There are many ways that human beings become successful in life – buying a new home, embarking upon a new career and also raising a family. These situations do not come easy, however, and may even take some serious patience and hard work. Another way that humans become successful is by feeling…

How to Achieve Happiness, According to Psychology?

“The more we learn about man’s natural tendencies, the easier it will be to tell him how to be good, how to be happy, how to be fruitful, how to respect himself, how to love, how to fulfill his highest potentialities” ~Abraham Maslow It wasn’t very long ago that psychologists'…

Cognitive Polyphasia or Why We Contradict Ourselves

Serge Moscovici, a French social psychologist, coined the term Cognitive Polyphasia in the 80s. Same guy behind the social representation theory (another interesting read). This seemingly innocent frame of mind is all about having contradicting thoughts and multiple frames of references to explain an event either to themselves or to other…