Empaths often experience a lot of anxiety in their lives. There are several reasons for this, but luckily, it is possible to learn how to calm anxiety with the following techniques.

Empaths pick up on the emotions of others. While this a great gift to have, it has a shadow side. Empaths are prone to depression, stress, and anxiety as a result of ‘catching’ other people’s emotional states. For an empath, it is vital to learn how to calm anxiety to stay healthy and balanced.

Here are a few techniques that can show you how to calm anxiety and help you stay emotionally balanced as an empath.

1. Develop boundaries

Empaths are givers. Because we experience other people’s emotions so strongly, we want to help. We want to ease other’s pain because this also eases our own pain. Unfortunately, constantly putting others first is not a healthy way to live. This is why we empaths so often experience depression, stress, and anxiety.

Developing boundaries is essential for empaths to maintain an emotional balance. Every empath is different, so the boundaries you need will be different from the boundaries I need. But it is important to spend some time thinking about what will help you to feel well.

If you get anxious, burned out, and stressed out, you will be less able to help others, so putting your own needs first is not selfish but sensible. You may want to introduce some practices in your life that help you to maintain your emotional balance. These may include:

  • Scheduling some quiet time on your own each day to recharge.
  • Limiting the time you give to people who are emotionally draining.
  • Making time in your life for the things that are important to you.

Make these things a priority in your life. You have a right to live your life your way and not give all your energy away to others. By doing this, you will find you can reduce your anxiety and feel happier with your life.

2. Being aware of your body

The emotions of others can affect empaths in a physical as well as an emotional level. When we pick up other emotions they can cause us uncomfortable sensations such as headaches, fatigue, aches, and pains.

For this reason, it really is vital to look after your physical needs. You might like to start with some simple grounding techniques to help you feel comfortable in your own body. You might like to try:

  • Developing a simple yoga routine to de-stress and ground yourself.
  • Spending time walking in nature to ground and recharge.
  • Getting a massage or massaging your own hands, feet, or shoulders.

Us empaths often spend a lot of time in our heads. Becoming more aware of how your body feels can give you a different perspective on your life and interactions with others. Listening to your body is vital for good health and wellbeing.

Empaths love water
Empaths love water. Oceans, lakes, water streams, baths. Immerse your body in water to release stress and negative energy.

3. Balance your nervous system

Empaths often have all their emotional channels open. They pick up on the anxieties and pain of others. When you spend time listening to other people’s fears and complaints, it can trigger your nervous system into overdrive.

Being stressed and anxious can also cause long-term health issues such as high blood pressure and autoimmune diseases. You can learn how to calm your anxiety by following some techniques to soothe the nervous system. These might include:

  • Taking time for a meditation or mindfulness routine to calm your nervous system.
  • Using relaxing essential oils such as lavender, chamomile, or bergamot. You can either use these oils in a diffuser or add a few drops to the massage oil or a bath.
  • Protect yourself by learning emotional shielding techniques to help you keep other’s emotions separate from yours.

Being aware of your nervous system can help you step out of flight or fight mode and remain calm even when you experience difficult situations.

4. Find yourself

Empaths often find it hard to distinguish which emotions belong to them and which to others. This is why empaths often feel anxious without knowing why. In order to disentangle our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions from those of others, we have to get to know our innermost selves better. You might like to try:

  • Journaling about your thoughts and feelings regularly.
  • Engaging in creative pursuits such as art, cooking, or gardening to tune out thoughts and express yourself.
  • Getting out and about on your own from time to time so you can enjoy things without worrying about how others are feeling.

It is important that you spend time on your own pursuits, goals, and dreams and enjoy doing the things you really want to do. Rest assured that you will be able to help others better when you feel rested and restored and like you are living on purpose.

Closing thoughts

I hope that these techniques will show you how to calm anxiety as an empath. If you are suffering from severe anxiety, however, it is important that you get help from a medical professional. We’d love to hear your tips and techniques to ease anxiety. Please share them with us in the comments section.


  1. https://www.huffingtonpost.com
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Roseanna

    Journaling is a great way to write about your feelings, it helps to gain an understanding about your own feelings and why you feel the way you do. It also is good to track your progress in Mindfulness and meditation and to see the specific area you may need to create a positive attitude.
    I do not suffer with severe attacks of anxiety but I feel it is good to practice mindful meditations and learn about out inner self, it brings many beneficial results, love, light and peace!

  2. Elizabeth O'Hern

    When I had my horses, going on a trail ride was the ultimate! Miss it so. For now, taking my dog out for a relaxing walk in a large field reaps benifits.
    And gardening of course.

  3. Carla

    Plan!! At least one a week planning and creating habits to serve those goals so I can be with peace of mind that even if I am distracted with to much going on or overwhelmed (sometimes both) I’m still being productive and in my path 🙂

    Thanks for your tips!!

  4. Sheila Murrey

    Beautiful! Well-written and constructed article. I’ve learned all these things the “hard way,” so I’m really glad you and I share these tips! I have found Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Qigong, and acupressure, to be fabulous self care methods.

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