How to Find the Inspiration to Make Your Life Extraordinary

  “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”  - Goethe The quest for inspiration and self-improvement has evolved into an entire industry unto itself, with authors, public speakers and various celebrity profiles establishing healthy and extremely wealthy careers based…

Make Goals Instead of Resolutions If You Really Want to Achieve Things

Making promises is easy, but fulfilling them or achieving them with success is always a hard task to perform. We usually think of achieving unlimited goals, but due to different reasons, we may not achieve them perfectly. Such cases mainly arise due to a lack of plans, passion, and hard…

4 Self-Analysis Questions That Will Help You Solve Any Problem

Sometimes it is difficult to objectively analyze a personal problem. This is where various useful techniques of self-analysis can help you sort through each painful issue. In this article, we will take a look at an effective way of analyzing a painful problem by Lise Bourbeau. Self-analysis is imperative to fully recognize our…

Low Self-Esteem: What Subconscious Programs Hide Behind It and How to Get Rid of Them

Low self-esteem is what creates the feeling of inadequacy. Many people don’t even understand where it originates. Low self-esteem has a strong negative influence on all spheres of life: it attracts unhappy relationships, prevents promotions at work, and makes you feel like everything surrounding you is gray and unfair. What subconscious programs…