Maybe it’s not your imagination and you actually do have clairvoyant abilities. At least, some people claim there are certain signs and ways to develop one’s gifts.

I’m not sure if clairvoyant abilities exist, but if they do, I think that they are rich in those who’ve suffered tragedies. In fact, this theory is common and has indicators that back up the idea.

If you’ve ever had an odd feeling about a certain life situation or even a person, you could be tapping into those clairvoyant abilities. Or maybe you just have a strong intuition. Maybe your dreams are forewarning you, but you’re writing it off as a side effect of a stressful day. Sometimes, it’s intelligent to look a bit further into these things.

Signs of clairvoyance, according to psychics

Even though you might not believe in the supernatural, for the most part, there’s still a certain amount of curiosity in all of us. I bet you wonder if there’s any possibility that you could be clairvoyant. Maybe you’d never admit this to family or friends, but deep down inside, you can’t shake the idea.

There are a few ways to help you understand those quirky life experiences. Psychics claim that there are certain signs that someone is exhibiting clairvoyant abilities. Let’s take a closer look at them.

1. Isolation

It’s interesting to know that according to psychics, those with clairvoyant abilities need an ample amount of alone time. This doesn’t necessarily mean that all clairvoyants are introverts, even though some are.

It only means that alone time is needed in order to stay in touch with the spiritual aspects of themselves and to hone their craft. Even If you haven’t yet discovered the truth about whether clairvoyance is real or not, moments of solitude can help reveal what’s going on.

Also, large crowds will drain you, and you will need to recharge after every social event. Psychics argue that clairvoyants, considering they spend quite a bit of time in nature and solitude, will feel overwhelmed in large crowds and loud places.

2. Heightened Senses

Of course, it’s obvious that heightened senses would be present with clairvoyant abilities. Psychics claim that heightened senses would be a high indicator.

For instance, if you suddenly feel as though someone will say your name and then they do, you could have the precognitive abilities of this nature, they say. The same applies to phone calls and letters. Sometimes you just feel as though a certain person will contact you and then they do.

If this happens once or twice in your lifetime, you can chalk it up to coincidence, but if it happens often, there’s something more here. Heightened senses, even if it’s just a knowledge that something is about to happen is a huge hint that you could have clairvoyant abilities.

3. Warnings

This is similar to heightened senses but only applies to negative circumstances. I believe that every human being has an internal alert, be it headaches, stomach aches, or simply a feeling of unrest. For those who claim to have clairvoyant abilities, these warning signs will be strong.

Here’s an example: I usually get nauseated right before someone shares bad news pertaining to me or anything to do with my inner circle. It usually happens about an hour or so before I get the news.

Now, if I could only get those feelings before the negative circumstance ever happened, I might be able to change things. Unfortunately, in my case, the deed is already done. I just get to know something is wrong before I know what it is…if that makes sense.

If you get these feelings, they might be clairvoyant warnings, according to psychics.

4. Dreams

Some signs of clairvoyant abilities revolve around the prophetic dream. Since dreams have so many interpretations, it can be difficult to decipher whether your dreams are prophesying or if they are results of bad food the night before. Fortunately, there are ways to tell the difference.

First of all, unfortunately, sometimes, we have dreams and don’t pay enough attention to them until they come true in real life. This is when we know something extraordinary is going on with us.

There are also indicators, as I stated above, that hint at sleep produces more than dreams. Spiritual practitioners claim that if dreams are highly detailed and even repetitive, this could be the universe sharing important information with you.

5. Psychometry

You might not be familiar with psychometry, and many people, including even phone psychics, are not. This ability goes hand in hand with clairvoyance.

Have you ever been to someone’s home, picked up an object from a table, and been flooded with visions or strange feelings of familiarity? If so, you could have been collecting information about the owner of the object, or even connecting with the history of the object.

There could be an overflow of information coming from the object that seems impossible to understand. Until you are at home in your abilities, psychometry may not seem logical to you, psychics say.

6. Déjà vu

Most everyone has experienced some form of déjà vu at one time or the other. Those who claim to have clairvoyant abilities, however, report experiencing this on a regular basis.

The feeling of “being here before” in this place or time, will sometimes give you a warm feeling. Other times, it might be foreboding. It all depends on why you are receiving these messages through déjà vu.

According to the spiritual perspective, the universe will use this to let you know that something needs to be done to appreciate or alleviate these feelings. Either the universe welcomes you in this place and time or you need to get away from it. Over time, you will be able to tell the difference.

7. Alienated

Do you feel different from everyone else around you? If so, you could be a clairvoyant. I know, it is possible that you could have other issues going on, but clairvoyants do tend to feel misunderstood, alienated, or just plain unique as opposed to the “norm”, psychics claim.

Maybe you see the truth much better while everyone prefers to remain oblivious. In times like this, others may even criticize you for emotional intuition.

8. Empathy

Clairvoyants are said to have high levels of empathy. They tend to be able to understand how others are feeling just by standing next to them. It’s almost impossible to hide anger, sadness, or love from the empath.

What’s more, they have the ability to tap into these feelings and feel them with you. The unfortunate part is they will often become drained by this as well.

Is it possible to develop clairvoyant abilities?

Based on these indicators, what do you think? Are those dreams just dreams or are they warnings of what’s to come? Is that vertigo, or do you really feel like something important is about to happen? Pay close attention when things occur and try to apply these indicators in order to understand what’s happening.

If you believe in phenomena like clairvoyance, psychics argue that it is possible to develop it.

The third eye and developing your abilities

Okay, for starters, most people believe the abilities of clairvoyance come from the third eye, located between your two natural eyes. Believed to be the hidden eye associated with the pineal gland, the third eye is the main source of your abilities of intuition. Of course, if you’re unfamiliar with this eye, then you won’t know how to coax it open.

To be clear, this third eye will not be visible to all other human eyes, but when opened, it is believed to allow you to develop skills like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance. To help your third eye open, you can practice visualizing techniques which are simple.


Your imagination depends on how well you can visualize things. If you have trouble using your imagination, then practice visualizing things a bit at a time each day. As you start to visualize colors and objects at a suggestion, for instance, you will start to have more vivid dreams and visions.

Take care not to become alarmed if you start to see things and feel things that others cannot. According to spiritual practitioners, this is a sign that your eye is opening and enlightenment is happening.

You may have started to utilize your third eye at a young age and just became frightened by various visions. According to psychics, this is common.

Final thoughts

I hope this helped you understand clairvoyance and provided insight. However, don’t forget that psychic phenomena such as clairvoyance have no real basis and are more a matter of belief rather than reality. While some people believe they exist, this remains a controversial topic.

You might have also noticed that at least half of the signs above could be associated with other experiences, such as having a highly sensitive brain. It could be that there is a common-sense explanation behind clairvoyant abilities. You could simply be a highly sensitive, intuitive person with a vivid imagination, not necessarily a clairvoyant.

Do you believe in these abilities? Let us know in the comments.

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This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. Vaibhav sawant

    Good knowledge.. i ve all that signs but i dint know whats actualy it is.. thanks for knowing tht.. i am also seeing 11:11,111,222,333,3333,444,5555,555,666,777,888,999,123,456,10:10,101 & many sequels number since many months &i got their meaning on Google but it seems nothing is happening what there mention in meaning of this angel number..sumtym it feels unbelievable but i do trust in all this things n universe & i know i ll achive all my dreams,goals & prayers.. i am thankful &grateful for all this..
    Thank you 😊

    1. Sherrie

      While there are meanings for numerals, there are sometimes deeper personal meanings that only you can understand. These meanings can guide you to extraordinary places, I believe that. However, be careful not to get lost digging for answers. I have this strange habit of listening to EVPs on a little app on my phone. Then I will go and search for those words, dates, and numbers online, hoping that I can find what’s speaking to me. Also, a particular house number keeps repeating itself on my phone clock and other places, which is odd. Although this happened years ago as well. Sometimes numerals are only there to remind us that we’ve made good decisions, either to build with something or to end a chapter, see what I mean. I may just be barely scratching the surface or not even touching on your personal situation, but don’t give up. Just don’t let it swallow you whole.

  2. LucidVibes

    Stay blessed (:

    1. Sherrie

      Thank you for reading! Namaste!

  3. Dan

    I have a very… familiar, view on this topic… My problem is, I can’t fin a psychologist who I trust not to take my thoughts as, paranoid, psychotic, delusional. Is there any way I could email you, Sherrie?

    I’m not some nut, I’m no conspiracy theorist, I’m just, lost. (And here’s the part others would find crazy), I feel the weight of everyone’s thoughts, in the world immediately around me, in the world far away from me (generally when someone is talking about me, and always when I know the person). I’ve always been somewhat intuitive, but recently it feels like, well, like I’m bordering something, something else.

    I’m sure that humans, like animals, have an emotional reach beyond current understanding. Certain animals sense fear, something I assume developed so they could determine what their actions should be in a threatening situation. These sorts of abilities are subjective, meaning the results of an action in this spectrum are impossible to measure; let’s say again, an animal is gauging a threat, there is no way for humans to tell what parts of the brain or body were used to send out the ‘power’, nor is there a way to determine what reaction in body or brain, is the messaged received saying to the animal, ‘no, it’s fine, it’s scared of you’. It’s impossible because we cannot accurately interpret brainwaves, nueroactivity, whatever you want to call it.

    What interests me is that humans comunicate better than most other animals, purely because of language. The ability to describe how you feel, what you see, what you mean (as a writer, I’m sure you feel some love for language too). It is still limited.. many languages have words for things that other languages don’t, things like that.

    How that relates to this topic is, humans think in a formatted way. We speak to ourselves. Something we’re only afforded by language. We define things in the form of words instead of feelings, but those words are still originating as feelings.

    I feel like it is possible to access those feeling, synthesise, and turn them into words, even crossing different languages (I live in South Africa, in Durban where most people speak – and so to, think – in Zulu, of which I speak none). I feel like I’m actually doing this….

    It feels real. But… I know a lot about psychology and I could give you all the character traits of all different mental illnesses as though they were the menu at my favorite restaurant, or all those pages of the dictionary I wrote out on numerous occasions as detention punishment.

    I know that my belief’s are reminiscent of psychosis, paranoid delusions not unrelated to those of grandeur. It’s possible that I am just advancing into a worsening state of schizophrenia.

    It’s been weighing on me for over a year now. I quit my job, abandoned all my friends, and now I spend all my days in my room avoiding people. It’s all just gone downhill since this started, and I think, no, I’m sure, it’s because I can’t talk to anyone about this. Im intelligent, it’s one of the few things I actually appreciate about myself, and… how can I talk to someone about it if it takes that away from me?

    If you don’t email me, thanks at least for showing me there are others out there who think the same and I will keep reading your advice regardless, because, well, you found your niche and, incase you’re worried about this, you are helping people, and more than that, I can tell from the way you write, the way your mind works, you’re a good person. You’ve had hard times, perhaps they didn’t seem that bad to others, but they really did affect you, they hurt; what is so admirable about that is not that you survived, but why you survived. You stand back up when the world kicks.. I wish I could tap into that.

    I’m sorry if this was long, if it was crazy sounding, desperate perhaps. Reading this last article, it sparked something in me.. also, I’m sorry for any typo’s, grammar and, just general inability to explain myself, I typed this furiously into 2″ by 3″ touchscreen phone and didn’t stop till I got here.

    Plutonically, (because I think I love your mind and I don’t want this to come off as skme weird advance)
    Daniel Anthony Jacob

    I’d love to here from you, so
    [email protected]

    But again, I get it if you don’t.
    And, thanks

    1. Sherrie

      Thank you for reading, Dan.

      I’m not big on email, actually, as my box is overflowing and one of my weaknesses is being paranoid of others (please don’t take this personally). I have high standards as well, and for the most part, have met no one in the entire world that thinks as harshly as I do at times. I do alienate myself quite a bit, and I guess the most disturbing part of this is that it doesn’t bother me. I could probably be alone for an entire month with no human contact and be perfectly fine with it. To me, it’s sad sometimes because I know why I am like this. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to cure this “sickness”. My life was difficult, and because of that, I don’t trust anyone easily.

      Okay, I do experience clairvoyance, and of course, few people believe me. That’s to be expected, however. My son does believe me, as he is starting to experience strange phenomena himself. We both experience a foreboding feeling. It’s random and most of the time, we cannot figure out why. I experience electrical phenomena when I am upset, angry, or in any kind of way, agitated. At the moment, there are many people living with me (long story) and the only place, besides outside, that I can find solitude is in the bathroom. I go in there many times when I am angry or upset and just sit down. When this happens, the light always flickers, buzzes, and pops. I have changed the bulb and had the electrical components checked, and nothing. lol I guess that’s funny, huh.

      I was diagnosed with “manic depression” at the age of 18. Later on, maybe around 36 or so, I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, PTSD, and yes, Psychosis. I know that these illnesses can cause tricks of the mind, overthinking, over-analyzing….blah blah blah. And yes, I do advocate help in this area. I do, however, know the differences between symptoms of mental illness and clairvoyance etc. This is a conversation that I have had with many people when I tell them that the supernatural is real. If they know my diagnosis, they tell me that it’s a symptom of my illness, as to why I experience supernatural things. And yes, psychosis does produce hallucinations. You just have to learn how to tell the difference. Mostly, if someone else (a mentally healthy individual) can see what you see, hear, or etc…then chances are, you are seeing what you think you’re seeing. Whew…these topics can be exhausting.

      Oh, and thank you for every kind word. It’s difficult in this world and with the kind words, you get insults. It’s funny how we seem to focus on the insults more than the kind words, huh? Well, I think I am growing in that area. I am teaching myself that it’s not my fault that someone insults me, or criticizes me. I have to love myself, take care of myself, no matter how hard it gets. This is incredibly difficult at times, but it HAS TO BE DONE. Never forget this.

      Thank you again for reading and I wish you well. Comments are welcome and feel free to share tidbits that can help others. There are so many here that are suffering. Sometimes all they need is to be heard and know that they aren’t alone. 🙂 Thank you.

    2. Cathy Merendino

      I just stumbled on this post so I’m replying really late. One comment piqued my interest, but I won’t call attention to the person. Rather, I’ll write in a generic sense and hope the other commenter understands what I’m telling him.

      I’m not a doctor but based on my own observations, psychic abilities and research I believe that all mental health disorders are caused by extreme emotional distress. I’ve known people with schizophrenia and what I find is they suffer from a traumatic event that goes unacknowledged by others, as well as pathological emotional distress related to the traumatic event. All those suffering from extreme emotional distress are highly sensitive and highly aware. Some have psychic abilities as a form of protection — to foresee imminent threats.

      I’m not dismissing that one can foresee terrible events; however, due to trauma and extreme emotional distress, sometimes the brain plays tricks on the person. If a person’s mind is forever consumed by the chance of threat (most often due to a traumatic event that played out for a long time), the mind will create images of threats. The trick to discerning between prophetic or imagined threats is to take a wait and see approach. Prophetic knowings will eventually happen within a short time of the intuitive knowing.

  4. Perminder Suri


    1. Sherrie

      You are welcome, Perminder

  5. Dominick

    I think I’m clairvoyant!

    1. Sherrie


      Maybe you are. I truly believe in this ability.

  6. Matthew j haggerty

    “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how .”Nietzsche

    1. Sherrie

      Thank you for reading, Matthew.

  7. Jenn

    Very interesting & thought provoking information here. I can relate to a lot of it. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Sherrie

      Jenn, I am so glad that you found this useful. If you feel that you have clairvoyant abilities, next look for confirmation. Remember, not everyone will understand, respect or believe what you experience. You have to be okay with this.

  8. Georgetta

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  9. LISA

    I totally get the feelings of the above ladies and gentlemen, I thought I was strange but seems not (phew). I found i was like this more so in my 40s x

  10. Damien

    I do experience all this signs frequently does that make me a clairvoyant, if I work more on my third eye

  11. Parker

    You people and your outside thoughts the isolation is getting to your head if you were more social your brain wouldn’t have these effects

    1. Mia

      Yes Dad. Sorry Dad.

  12. enrico

    what will i do to know that abilities


    Umm …after reading this all I fully assured me.but for a years since I was12 I exprince undoubtedly judgement .which tend to be on point.I just really want to known that if I want a thing like anything and I keep imagining it without discussion it comes to me .no matter the price .and I have many vision I find myself highly confused evertime this happens.than I surf internet I find out it to be an ablity .I am still 16 .I first thought it to be coincident but I now have record of every ttime I feel familiar in my mind do assist me if you reallly know this things please

  14. J

    Hi. I need some immediate guidance regarding clairvoyant abilities and would like to correspond via email.

    1. Arti dubey

      Do you feel that something actually happening with which seems like clairvoyance and if you want to recognise do share your with me I can guide you

  15. Vizky

    Thanks… for this infirmation i also didnt know this before … so thankful to you

  16. Justin Olson

    oh ima just go full blown insane here whats it matter least i can’t lose any more friends hahaha.. oh boy.. anyway so look “GOD” spirits”. the passed.. i have not a for sure statement as to what is communicating but it sure as heck ain’t like some TV show or anything anybody ever told me.. this is like .. reality.. lol… so look one more thing to add to my 2 emails which if you even read this GOD bless you i wouldn’t even care if you responded at this point.. haha.. I just a dude whom people always said “man you make a lot of sense when you explain stuff” so figured sense i am legit why not try and figure out “life” so like i said well i say a year.. that was a year of “god” filling me to the brim with information.. but really my whole life.. im that guy who helps 300% gets -%400 credit haha.. but whatever.. when they bury me there gonna bury a man.. 🙂 okay so the thing is this number 42 i promise my whole life with that number and its getting to where its just everywhere its crazy i tell ya.. wake up at 3:33am number 3 and triangles i always been big on but hey.. man “i get it” far as life goes and all the quotes on here been my quotes my whole life.. its funny to see them said from so long ago.. okay here is the kicker.. again peoples BS is ah you this you that or this or that.. blah blah.. im like the most mentally stable person i know and my memory is beast mode like i wont be fooled on this one but okay.. so i started to think why the heck don’t anybody kick it with GOD right. so i was like GOD whats your favorite color? God what sorta music you like.. hell id watch a movviie and just for the whatever of it be like there is an open seat on couch would god like to watch a movie with me.. holy crap man the stuff i been through is just flooring i don’t expect anybody to believe me but.. one time i told GOD a joke (yes i get the irony but why not) then.. was like whats up you got one.. on my life i got like 4 jokes never herd before in my life ever.. never.. ever.. ever.. ever.. haha ever.. did i hear them.. here is one.. still aint googled it to see if its a actual joke but i don’t care.. this stuff is bananas.. GODs cool as heck though like helps me all day and i help back.. (help others) it works.. like.. its working and it works.. except the invisible friend thing.. i gotta figure out what the heck is going on for sure.. even though.. im for sure.. like .. need somebody else who can communicate like i do before i go nuts.. “GOD” keeps giving me this vision of this VIDEO to product basically with info on gofundme.. it won’t stop its vivid.. its like i need to.. i want to . but.. its more than that.. there is something really big going on here but if i don’t find a “grip”-another person.. oh boy.. dunno ya know.. so joke was

    or “GOD” said.. i say said.. listen i don’t hear voices in my head.. wish i did that would be easier i think haha…

    “So if there is a Burger King who is his queen? heh.. Dairy!.. Dairy Queen…” heh all of “gods” jokes are a little .. well one could think of them sure but that would be first jokes i ever made then was ones i asked god for.. apparently i just told my brain to make a joke and it did.. how about that.. either way weird as hell.. 4 jokes at one time..

    another was

    “whats something you always have that nobody can ever take” – “your soul” … heh…

    sure thats an old one.. Gods favorite color.. depends.. OMNI so who you Talking to seems a person can view and be communicated with either gender the see or OMNI but .. to me OMNI is a term not a prefered term.. The communication well i call GOD “trin” and activity gets dominate when i associate with “trinity” as “trin” like can play cards, dice, whatever and its very very apparent its not just me.. had 2 witness and that night they were like OMG GOD this and GOD that then you know people one little thing happens in life and they revert back to their 5 same thoughts.. but none the less i have no dout i could prove this.. it requires others that it would see “god” is cool with though. although i know god loves everybody and is cool with everybody at exact same time.. well i said enough this should about due it eh.. lol peace

    1. Scotty G

      I read everything you wrote, skipped over the last few lines but one specific thing caught my eye. That video you talked about, what kind of video? Music?

  17. Justin Olson

    i meant to email that comment sorry for anybodys sanity that reads that.. lol

  18. Arti dubey

    Please I m trying to say something to all of the person who believes and who don’t that Thier are something like clairvoyance well I know it and some of answer I have read but most of are really feeling happy and sad if they are connecting with the clairvoyance sign that please don’t be so happy because it starts working automatically which will distract you from your physical energy and will start draining your spiritual energy as we are human beings our body have some limitations so , please don’t get over excited and try to use it only when their is actually some urgency because , everything even a single thought of ours are connected with our surrounding energy and the people who actually don’t believe then please believe that nobody in this world are actually surviving without breathing and the reason behind all these energies are said air virtality and though we all have Aura we need to use it and protect from all the things whatever happening around us and pray for the good only God bless you all do rhythmic breathing everyday 😊

  19. lisbeth

    so how can I develop these skills?

  20. samslim somod

    I think am clairvoyant because I have ability to think deeply in my mind to go through some history

  21. Victor Ferrell

    i have preminissions about a lot of things. sometimes i hear conversations before they happen. ex: i was visiting my cousin in Houston and i heard her talking to her mom (my aunt) about me not talking, i also heard my aunt respond from the phone even though it was 2am and i knew that my cousin was asleep and my aunt was in a different location across town. The next day my aunt called and asked if i was ok, i said “yeah, why?” her response was this: i talked to your cousin and she said that you haven’t been talking lately. does this mean i have some degree of clairvoyancy?

  22. Darlene

    But I’ve seen my third eye before. So what could that mean?
    I definitely know I am clairvoyant. <3

  23. Jessica Burkholder

    Im 21 and just now am starting too look into this because I suffered sexual, physical, and mental abuse at young age. I was raised mennonite, while it was a very cold and harsh upbringing, i was always quick to adapt. I watched my younger sister wither and die in the span of a year. She was 4. I was 7. I knew when she passed. I felt it in my chest. I cant explain it. It woke me from my sleep. I felt it. Ive felt many lives pass since. most of them were younger. I’ve called at least 3 car accidents, within or under 20 minutes of them happening. 2 of these 3 wrecks I was in the car and told everyone to put there seatbelts on (both times i was with one or both of my older sisters) which they looked at me like “yea right” because we grew up working in the shop on cars; once i asked they again they did and not a mile down the road we got T-boned. an elderly man ran a stop sign and it totaled both cars. The third my brother was in and i knew about 15 minutes before it happened. I even knew what turn it was on. I used to think there was something evil or wrong with me because mennonites, like all religions have their overly strict zealots, tell you it’s evil or demonic. I was born a “half breed” (My grandfathers choice of phrase) because my mother and aunt (identical twins) were born in Honduras where they were adopted by my grandparents, who were missionaries at the time.

    I need too learn about how to control/channel/coexist with or at the very least attempt to understand this ability and not feel like a freak…Ive been all but disowned by my family (which isnt exactly a shocker) for reasons completely unrelated (my father found a new wife. She hates “kids” but keep in mind im the youngest and im 21 i had just turnedd 18 before their wedding.)

    This sense has been saving and scaring me for as long as i can remember. Ik you said you dont typically talk to people one on one and i completely respect that, but do you think you point me in the right direction?

  24. Jessica Burkholder

    Im 21 and just now am starting too look into this because I suffered sexual, physical, and mental abuse at young age. I was raised mennonite, while it was a very cold and harsh upbringing, i was always quick to adapt. I watched my younger sister wither and die in the span of a year. She was 4. I was 7. I knew when she passed. I felt it in my chest. I cant explain it. It woke me from my sleep. I felt it. Ive felt many lives pass since. most of them were younger. I’ve called at least 3 car accidents, within or under 20 minutes of them happening. 2 of these 3 wrecks I was in the car and told everyone to put there seatbelts on (both times i was with one or both of my older sisters) which they looked at me like “yea right” because we grew up working in the shop on cars; once i asked they again they did and not a mile down the road we got T-boned. an elderly man ran a stop sign and it totaled both cars. The third my brother was in and i knew about 15 minutes before it happened. I even knew what turn it was on. I used to think there was something evil or wrong with me because mennonites, like all religions have their overly strict zealots, tell you it’s evil or demonic. I was born a “half breed” (My grandfathers choice of phrase) because my mother and aunt (identical twins) were born in Honduras where they were adopted by my grandparents, who were missionaries at the time.

    I need too learn about how to control/channel/coexist with or at the very least attempt to understand this ability and not feel like a freak…Ive been all but disowned by my family (which isnt exactly a shocker) for reasons completely unrelated (my father found a new wife. She hates “kids” but keep in mind im the youngest and im 21 i had just turnedd 18 before their wedding.)

    This sense has been saving and scaring me for as long as i can remember. Ik you said you dont typically talk to people one on one and i completely respect that, but do you think you point me in the right direction?
    Ik what I believe.
    I believe in God
    I have a strong relationship with God.
    He’s just not the forboding, menacing god that was painted for me as a child.

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