Often in our busy lives, we don’t stop to ask deep questions about life. However, making the time to ask these questions can transform our lives.

If we keep plodding along in life without asking deep questions, we can miss out on opportunities for growth, enlightenment, and self-fulfillment. Taking the time to ask ourselves some important questions can reveal to us many insights into who we are and what we want from life.

Often we don’t take the time to question why we do what we do or think what we think.

We can be held back by limiting beliefs that we have picked up in childhood or over the course of our lives. These limiting beliefs can block our progress. It is only by questioning everything we think, feel and believe that we can move towards living a life that truly fulfills us.

We can question our limiting beliefs and the rules and norms of society. In addition, we can question our political and religious beliefs and our ideas about ourselves and others. We can also question our work, relationships, and leisure.

It may sound daunting to question everything in our lives. However, if we desire to change it’s the best way to start.

So, if you feel you are stuck in a rut or you are just not sure what your life purpose is or what next step to take, consider asking yourself some of the following deep questions about life.

Settle down with your journal and favorite pen and commit to some soul searching. Take your time and just write what comes into your head. You may be surprised by the inner knowledge you have about what is holding you back and how to transform your life.

A word of caution though: these questions are powerful and can cause massive transformations in your life. If you want to stay in your comfort zone, you might want to give this practice a miss!

25 Deep Questions about Life

  1. What do I love doing?
  2. Who do I love spending time with?
  3. Are my actions guided by love or fear?
  4. What brings me joy?
  5. What would I most like to change about my life?
  6. When did I last do something just for me?
  7. What could I do today that would fill me with joy?
  8. When did I last laugh?
  9. Am I a better person today than I was yesterday?
  10. What could I do today to help someone else?
  11. Do I treat myself with love and respect?
  12. Do I treat others with love and respect?
  13. Am I following the crowd or do I listen to my inner guidance?
  14. What would I do with my life if anything was possible?
  15. Is the life I am living the one I want to be living?
  16. What would I do if I weren’t afraid to be judged?
  17. How could I inspire others?
  18. When did I last do something outside of my comfort zone?
  19. Do I allow myself to really feel my emotions?
  20. What emotions am I afraid to show?
  21. What limiting beliefs are holding me back?
  22. Is there someone I need to forgive?
  23. Is there a conversation I need to have?
  24. Does my presence improve the lives of those I care about?
  25. What do I need to let go of in order to move forward?

Closing thoughts

Asking these questions is not always easy. Sometimes the answers may bring us pain. They may bring up emotions that are difficult and we may need help from a counselor to process what we find.

But asking these questions is worth the trouble. If we don’t question what we are doing with our lives, we may miss out on achieving the things we want.

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut of work, paying bills, chores, and TV. Often we avoid getting real with ourselves and discovering what would make our hearts sing.

While some of the questions may cause us to be uncomfortable, many of them can bring us great joy and help us create better relationships and achieve our dreams. If we get clear about what we want from life and what might be holding us back, we can begin to make real progress.

What deep questions about life do you think shake us up and open our minds to different ways of living and being? Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.

Copyright © 2012-2025 Learning Mind. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint, contact us.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. jake

    1-what do i love doing? = i don’t know yet unfortunately but i’m looking for it for a year
    2-Who do I love spending time with?=my little brother and mother for a bit but not entirely not all time i really value alone time
    3-Are my actions guided by love or fear?= can’t wait to find a love to make actions . so my actions begin with fear of wasting time so started learning languages to become multi lingual because one of my dreams is travel around the world and be able to speak their language and before that i can use it now to contact with other side of world. brain workout games to improve my brain though i got bored doing it day by day = I DON’T EXACTLY ARE THESE BECAUSE OF FEAR OR LOVE?
    4-What brings me joy?for now watching movies .not any movie .the movie that has great adventure .different new thought or idea or even great characters like SHERLOCK HOLMES but i believe that i have a passion .practical passion
    5-What would I most like to change about my life?financial problem to financially freedom and achieving my goals
    6-When did I last do something just for me?yesterday learned coding + learned french and reviewed+brain workout+entertained myself watching “hannibal” two episodes
    7-What could I do today that would fill me with joy? go for an adventure”i’m never satisfied
    8-When did I last laugh?today in the morning when i was having breakfast
    9-Am I a better person today than I was yesterday?i guess because i’m learning by myself
    10-What could I do today to help someone else?nothing atm
    11-Do I treat myself with love and respect? i don’t know
    12-Do I treat others with love and respect?respect yes but love i don’t know
    13-Am I following the crowd or do I listen to my inner guidance?i’m sure i’m not following the crowd
    14-What would I do with my life if anything was possible?bring peace .equal . justice to the whole world.make my all dreams come true
    15-Is the life I am living the one I want to be living?hell no i’m living in a country that has very bad limit for foreigners
    16-What would I do if I weren’t afraid to be judged?all the crazy ideas and the things i’ve been ashamed of like wearing vintage suits or even female vintage dresses just to feel it .experience it
    17-How could I inspire others?if i could achieve my goals i would be learned how to inspire too
    18-When did I last do something outside of my comfort zone?changed my job .practiced language french and coding at work
    19-Do I allow myself to really feel my emotions?i guess but i’m not sure i guessed because i’m INFP person so INFP people use feeling and intuition
    20-What emotions am I afraid to show?my angelic peaceful soft and loving and the feeling of needing hug or daily physical sentiment
    21-What limiting beliefs are holding me back? there are limits but i think i already broke the limits in my mind when i opened earlier by the motivations of successful speakers or motivational speakers
    22-Is there someone I need to forgive? i already said to myself that i forgiven anyone harmed me
    23-Is there a conversation I need to have? yeah i need someone like mom to open up and a coach to find my purpose/passion
    24-Does my presence improve the lives of those I care about?no not really but i’m sure they need me because we are in a bad financial situation
    25-What do I need to let go of in order to move forward?fears and negative sides of taking an adventurous risky moves and some habits
    i took time to do this please comment or interact and if any coach or professional read it give me advice

  2. Van

    Really thought provoking questions. They seem simple at the beginning but writing responses and allowing myself to really think about them and be led back to scenarios have assisted me with putting certain things into perspective which I believe will really help me on my journey. I do recommend a thorough exploring of these questions for anyone interested in connecting or even reconnecting with themselves. Love && light && best wishes 🙌🏾🌸

  3. Tong

    Hi Jake my name is Tong my family came to Australia as a refugee because of the civil in Sudan. My family face a lot of obstacle and a lot of challenges to make here. As you can already tell English is not my strong suit as I did not where to started. I thought your response to 25 deep questions was great give me some inspiration on what to write down. I came across this article when I was on selfie reflection on the internet by accident. one of my passed time is discovering new things that I know anything about and researching things I don’t not know I’m always hungry to discovering new things that I don’t know about. But there’s one think I could not put my finger on it was how come I feel like the Odd one out of my community. They make fun of me about how much I day dreaming all the time quite person as results of that I wasn’t popular with the ladies and because of that I had hand full of friends some won’t my friends there are out there to use me. Today I discovered something that was all’s on the back of my head that the reason is because I was a deep thinker and why I feel lonely most of the time self resver I hope your dreams come true for you thanks

  4. Roberto

    Buenos días, considero este articulo particularmente muy, muy orientador , que te conduce a una profunda reflexión, que te invita hacer una restrospeccion de tu existencia y encontrarte o tratar de encontrarte a través de lo que haz vivido y vives encontrar las puertas a tu camino , un camino tal vez nunca recorrido, esperando por ti. y a la vez te inspira a tener el valor de recorrerlo desechando los convencionalismos sociales, religiosos y políticos condicionamientos que mucho dañan a los seres humanos.

    Muy agradecido

  5. Iva

    What would I most like to change about my life? this is for me the deepest question because each of us wants something to change. But each change has requirements sometimes. And we can not often what we would like to change because it is simply impossible. Even if we were brave to do it.

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